Browsing by Author Álvarez Martínez, Carlos José
Showing results 1 to 1 of 1
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
24-Jun-2019 | Relationship between the respiratory microbiome and the severity of airflow limitation, history of exacerbations and circulating eosinophils in COPD patients | Millares, Laura; Pascual, Sergi; Montón, Concepción; García Núñez, Marian; Lalmolda, Cristina; Faner, Rosa; Casadevall, Carme; Setó, Laia; Capilla, Silvia; Moreno, Amàlia; Castro Acosta, Ady Angélica; Álvarez Martínez, Carlos José; Sibila Vidal, Oriol; Peces Barba, Germán; Cosío, Borja G.; Agustí García-Navarro, Àlvar; Gea Guiral, Joaquim; Monsó, Eduard |