Browsing by Author Bartoló Ibars, Ariadna

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Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
26-Jul-2024Immunogenicity of CD19 chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells (ARI-0001) in relapsed/refractory CD19-positive B-cell malignancies recruited into the CART-BE-01 clinical trialBartoló Ibars, Ariadna
6-Jul-2023Ligand-based CAR-T cell: Different strategies to drive T cells in future new treatmentsRamírez Chacón, Alejandro; Betriu Méndez, Sergi; Bartoló Ibars, Ariadna; González, Azucena; Martí, Mercè; Juan, Manel