Browsing by Author Bedón-Galarza, Ricardo

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Disease phenotypes in adult patients with suspected undifferentiated autoinflammatory diseases and PFAPA syndrome: Clinical and therapeutic implicationsGómez-Caverzaschi, Verónica; Yagüe, Jordi; Espinosa Garriga, Gerard; Mayordomo-Bofill, Isabet; Bedón-Galarza, Ricardo; Araújo Loperena, Olga; Pelegrín, Laura; Arbelo, Elena; Morales, Xavier; Balagué Ponz, Olga; Figueras Nart, Ignasi; Mascaró Galy, José Manuel; Fuertes, Irene; Giavedoni, Priscila; Muxí Pradas, África; Alobid, Isam; Vilaseca González, Isabel; Aróstegui Gorospe, Juan Ignacio; Mensa-Vilaró, Anna; Hernández-Rodríguez, José; Cervera i Segura, Ricard, 1960-