Browsing by Author Braucher, Régis

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
8-Jan-2014Age and Date for Early Arrival of the Acheulian in Europe (Barranc de la Boella, la Canonja, Spain)Vallverdú Poch, Josep; Saladié, Palmira; Rosas, Antonio; Huguet, Rosa; Cáceres, Isabel; Mosquera, Maria; Garcia-Tabernero, Antonio; Estalrrich, Almudena; Lozano-Fernández, Iván; Pineda-Alcalá, Antonio; Carrancho, Ángel; Villalaín, Juan José; Bourlès, Didier; Braucher, Régis; Lebatard, Anne; Vilalta, Jaume; Esteban-Nadal, Montserrat; Bennàsar Serra, Maria Lluc; Bastir, Marius; López-Polín, Lucía; Ollé, Andreu; Vergès, Josep Maria; Ros-Montoya, Sergio; Martínez Navarro, Bienvenido, 1964-; García, Ana; Martinell, Jordi, 1948-; Expósito Barea, Isabel; Burjachs i Casas, Francesc; Agustí, Jordi, 1954-; Carbonell, Eudald
2006The late Pleistocene and Holocene glaciation in the Pyrenees: A critical review and new evidence from 10Be exposure ages, south-central Pyrenees.Pallàs i Serra, Raimon; Rodés Bolumburu, Ángel; Braucher, Régis; Carcaillet, J.; Ortuño Candela, Maria; Bordonau i Ibern, Jaume; Bourlès, Didier; Vilaplana, Joan Manuel; Masana, Eulàlia; Santanach i Prat, Pere F., 1946-