Browsing by Author Calleja Pardo, Enrique
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
21-Aug-2006 | The effect of substrate on high-temperature annealing of GaN epilayers: Si versus sapphire | Pastor Pastor, David; Cuscó i Cornet, Ramon; Artús i Surroca, Lluís; Iborra, Enrique; Jiménez, J.; Peiró Martínez, Francisca; González Díaz, Germán; Calleja Pardo, Enrique |
2011 | High quality InAlN single layers lattice-matched to GaN grown by molecular beam epitaxy | Gacevic, Zarko; Fernández-Garrido, S.; Rebled, J. M. (José Manuel); Estradé Albiol, Sònia; Peiró Martínez, Francisca; Calleja Pardo, Enrique |
9-May-2013 | Insight into the compositional and structural nano features of AlN/GaN DBRs by EELS-HAADF | Eljarrat Ascunce, Alberto; López Conesa, Lluís; Magén, César; Gacevic, Zarko; Fernández-Garrido, S.; Calleja Pardo, Enrique; Estradé Albiol, Sònia; Peiró Martínez, Francisca |
2-Aug-2016 | Quantitative parameters for the examination of InGaN QW multilayers by low-loss EELS | Eljarrat Ascunce, Alberto; López Conesa, Lluís; Magén, César; García-Lepetit, Noemí; Gacevic, Zarko; Calleja Pardo, Enrique; Peiró Martínez, Francisca; Estradé Albiol, Sònia |
12-Oct-2012 | (V)EELS characterization of InAlN/GaN distributed Bragg reflectors | Eljarrat Ascunce, Alberto; Gacevic, Zarko; Fernández-Garrido, S.; Calleja Pardo, Enrique; Magén, César; Estradé Albiol, Sònia; Peiró Martínez, Francisca |