Browsing by Author Cantero, Irene
Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
7-Nov-2017 | Changes in fluid regime in syn-orogenic sediments during the growth of the south Pyrenean fold and thrust belt | Cruset Segura, David; Cantero, Irene; Vergés i Masip, Jaume; John, Cédric M.; Muñoz-López, Daniel; Travé i Herrero, Anna |
Oct-2018 | Dietary Inflammatory Index and liver status in subjects with different adiposity levels within the PREDIMED trial | Cantero, Irene; Abete, Itziar; Babio, Nancy; Arós, Fernando; Corella Piquer, Dolores; Estruch Riba, Ramon; Fitó Colomer, Montserrat; Hébert, James R.; Martínez-González, Miguel Ángel, 1957-; Pintó Sala, Xavier; Portillo, María Puy; Ruiz Canela, Miguel; Shivappa, Nitin; Wärnberg, Julia; Gómez Gracia, Enrique; Tur, Josep Antoni; Salas Salvadó, Jordi; Zulet, M. Angeles; Martínez, J. Alfredo, 1957- |
25-Sep-2020 | Fluid Dynamics in a Thrust Fault Inferred from Petrology and Geochemistry of Calcite Veins: An Example from the Southern Pyrenees | Muñoz-López, Daniel; Cruset Segura, David; Cantero, Irene; Benedicto Esteban, Antonio; John, CM.; Travé i Herrero, Anna |
4-Jun-2021 | Fracture distribution in a folded fluvial succession: The Puig-reig anticline (south-eastern Pyrenees) | Sun, Xiaolong; Gómez Rivas, Enrique; Alcalde Martín, Juan; Martín, Juan Diego (Martín Martín); Cunfei, M.; Muñoz-López, Daniel; Cruset Segura, David; Cantero, Irene; Griera, Albert; Travé i Herrero, Anna |
4-Feb-2020 | Fracturing and Near-Surface Diagenesis of a Silicified Miocene Deltaic Sequence: The Montjuïc Hill (Barcelona) | Cantero, Irene; Parcerisa i Duocastella, David; Plata, Maria Alexandra; Gómez-Gras, David; Gómez Rivas, Enrique; Martín, Juan Diego (Martín Martín); Travé i Herrero, Anna |
25-Nov-2020 | Influence of basement rocks on fluid evolution during multiphase deformation: the example of the Estamariu thrust in the Pyrenean Axial Zone | Muñoz-López, Daniel; Alías López, Gemma; Cruset Segura, David; Cantero, Irene; John, Cédric M.; Travé i Herrero, Anna |
28-Mar-2022 | Origin and distribution of calcite cements in a folded fluvial succession: The Puig-reig anticline (south-eastern Pyrenees) | Sun, Xiaolong; Gómez Rivas, Enrique; Cruset Segura, David; Alcalde Martín, Juan; Muñoz-López, Daniel; Cantero, Irene; Martín, Juan Diego (Martín Martín); John, Cédric M.; Travé i Herrero, Anna |
1-Feb-2014 | Polyphasic hydrothermal and meteoric fluid regimes during the growth of a segmented fault involving crystalline and carbonate rocks (Barcelona Plain, NE Spain) | Cantero, Irene; Travé i Herrero, Anna; Alías López, Gemma; Baqués Almirall, Vinyet |
7-Sep-2020 | Quantifying deformation processes in the SE Pyrenees using U-Pb dating of fracture-filling calcites | Cruset Segura, David; Vergés i Masip, Jaume; Albert, Richard; Gerdes, Axel; Benedicto Esteban, Antonio; Cantero, Irene; Travé i Herrero, Anna |