Browsing by Author Casellas, Enric

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Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021On the conditions for winter lightning at the Eagle Nest Tower (2537 m asl) during the Cerdanya-2017 field experimentSoula, Serge; Pineda, Nicolau; Georgis, Jean-François; Leroy, Antoine; Vanpoucke, Igor; Montanyà, Joan; Casellas, Enric; González-Herrero, Sergi; Bech, Joan
2022Stratiform and Convective Rain Classification Using Machine Learning Models and Micro Rain RadarGhada, Wael; Casellas, Enric; Herbinger, Julia; Garcia Benadi, Albert; Bothmann, Ludwig; Estrella, Nicole; Bech, Joan; Menzel, Annette