Browsing by Author Fernández-Fuentes, Narcís

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
26-Feb-2024Integrative single-cell expression and functional studies unravels a sensitization to cytarabine-based chemotherapy through HIF pathway inhibition in AML leukemia stem cellsAbollo-Jiménez, Fernando; Velasco-Hernandez, Talia; Trincado, Juan L..; Vinyoles, Meritxell; Closa, Adrià; Martínez-Moreno, Alba; Gutiérrez-Agüera, Francisco; Molina, Òscar; Rodríguez Cortez, Virginia Carolina; Ximeno-Parpal, Pau; Fernández-Fuentes, Narcís; Petazzi, Paolo; Beneyto-Calabuig, Sergi; Velten, Lars; Romecín, Paola Alejandra; Casquero, Raquel; Diaz de la Guardia, Rafael; Lorden, Patricia; Bataller Torralba, Alex; Lapillonne, Helene; Stam, Ronald W.; Vives, Susana; Torrebadell Burriel, Montserrat; Fuster, José Luis; Bueno, Clara; Sarry, Jean-Emmanuel; Eyras, Eduardo; Heyn, Holger; Menéndez, Pablo