Browsing by Author Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García)

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019A Randomized Trial of Virtual Reality-Based Cue Exposure Second-Level Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Second-Level Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa and Binge-Eating Disorder: Outcome at Six-Month FollowupFerrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Pla Sanjuanelo, Joana; Dakanalis, Antonios; Vilalta-Abella, Ferran; Riva, Giuseppe; Fernández Aranda, Fernando; Forcano, Laura; Riesco, Nadine; Sánchez Zaplana, Isabel; Clerici, Massimo; Ribas Sabaté, Joan; Andreu Gracia, Alexis; Escandón-Nagel, Neli; Gómez-Tricio, Osane; Tena, Virginia; Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
11-Mar-2023An Attentional bias modification task, through virtual reality and eye-tracking technologies, to enhance the treatment of anorexia nervosaMeschberger-Annweiler, Franck-Alexandre; Ascione, Mariarca; Porras-García, Bruno; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Moreno Sánchez, Manuel; Miquel Nabau, Helena; Serrano Troncoso, Eduardo; Carulla-Roig, Marta; Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
10-Feb-2021AN-VR-BE. A randomized controlled trial for reducing fear of gaining weight and other eating disorder symptoms in anorexia nervosa through virtual reality-based body exposurePorras-García, Bruno; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Serrano Troncoso, Eduardo; Carulla-Roig, Marta; Soto-Usera, Pau; Miquel Nabau, Helena; Fernández del Castillo-Olivares, Laura; Marnet-Fiol, Rosa; de la Montaña Santos-Carrasco, Isabel; Borszewski, Bianca; Díaz-Marsá, Marina; Sánchez-Díaz, Isabel; Fernández Aranda, Fernando; Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
2006Assessment of emotional reactivity produced by exposure to virtual environments in patients with eating disordersGutiérrez Maldonado, José; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Caqueo-Urízar, Alejandra; Letosa-Porta, Àlex
2019Attentional bias assessment in patients with alcohol use disorder: an eye-tracking studyGhiţă, Alexandra; Porras-García, Bruno; Moreno Sánchez, Manuel; Monras Arnau, Miquel; Ortega, Lluisa; Mondon, Silvia; Teixidor López, Lídia; Obach i Vidal, Amadeu; Gual, Antoni; Aznar Casanova, José Antonio; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Bertomeu Panisello, Paola; Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
12-Sep-2023Attentional Bias Modification Training Based on Virtual Reality and Eye Tracking in Anorexia Nervosa PatientsAscione, Mariarca; Carulla-Roig, Marta; Miquel Nabau, Helena; Porras-García, Bruno; Meschberger-Annweiler, Franck-Alexandre; Serrano Troncoso, Eduardo; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Moreno Sánchez, Manuel; Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
26-Dec-2023Attentional Bias Modification Training in Virtual Reality: Evaluation of User ExperienceMendoza-Medialdea, María Teresa; Carballo-Laza, Ana; Ascione, Mariarca; Meschberger-Annweiler, Franck-Alexandre; Porras-García, Bruno; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
22-Feb-2021Attentional bias, alcohol craving, and anxiety implications of the virtual reality cue-exposure therapy in severe alcohol use disorder: a case reportGhiţă, Alexandra; Hernández Serrano, Olga; Ruiz, Jolanda F. (Fernandez Ruiz); Moreno Sánchez, Manuel; Monras Arnau, Miquel; Ortega, Lluisa; Mondon, Silvia; Teixidor López, Lídia; Gual, Antoni; Gacto-Sánchez, Mariano; Porras-García, Bruno; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
26-Sep-2011Attitudes and burden in relatives of patients with schizophrenia in a middle income countryCaqueo-Urízar, Alejandra; Gutiérrez Maldonado, José; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Peñaloza, Claudia; Richards-Araya, David; Cuadra-Peralta, Alejandro
8-Jan-2014Avaluació formativa a través de l'anàlisi de simulacions clíniquesGutiérrez Maldonado, José; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Gutiérrez Martínez, Olga; Rus-Calafell, Mar; Aguilar Alonso, Ángel; Andrés Pueyo, Antonio
2017Behavioral, craving, and anxiety responses among light and heavy drinking college students in alcohol-related virtual environmentsGhiţă, Alexandra; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
30-Aug-2023Body Dissatisfaction and Body-Related Attentional Bias: Is There a Causal Relationship?Mendoza-Medialdea, María Teresa; Meschberger-Annweiler, Franck-Alexandre; Ascione, Mariarca; Rueda-Pina, Alejandra; Rabarbari, Elisa; Porras-García, Bruno; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
2010Body Image in Eating Disorders: The Influence of Exposure to Virtual-Reality Environments.Gutiérrez Maldonado, José; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Caqueo-Urízar, Alejandra; Moreno, Elena
4-Jun-2020Body-related attentional bias among men with high and low muscularity dissatisfactionPorras-García, Bruno; Exposito-Sanz, Erik; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Castillero Mimenza, Oscar; Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
Apr-2012Carta a quien tiene que enseñar a personas adultas y jóvenes. Con glosario y autores de referenciaAranda Nicolás, Xavier; Boneu, Beatriu; Díaz, Mònica; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Falgàs, Rosa M.; Formariz, Alfons; Garcia, Victòria dels Àngels; Martínez, Marta; Masdeu, Josep; Núñez, Natàlia; Sáinz, Isis; Rodriguez, Victòria
Jan-2016Cognitive mechanisms underlying Armoni: A computer-assisted cognitive training programme for individuals with intellectual disabilitiesPeñaloza, Claudia; Gutiérrez Maldonado, José; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Caqueo-Urízar, Alejandra; Reverter-Guimeso, Antonio; Macías-Cajal, Yolanda; Amela-Huemes, David; Perales-Josa, Sandra
1-Jun-2019Craving and Anxiety Responses as Indicators of the Efficacy of Virtual Reality-Cue Exposure Therapy in Patients Diagnosed with Alcohol use DisorderGhiţă, Alexandra; Hernández Serrano, Olga; Ruiz, Jolanda F. (Fernandez Ruiz); Monras Arnau, Miquel; Ortega, Lluisa; Mondon, Silvia; Teixidor López, Lídia; Gual, Antoni; Porras-García, Bruno; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
2-Aug-2019Cue-Elicited anxiety and alcohol craving as indicators of the validity of ALCO-VR software: A virtual reality studyGhiţă, Alexandra; Hernández Serrano, Olga; Ruiz, Jolanda F. (Fernandez Ruiz); Monras Arnau, Miquel; Ortega, Lluisa; Mondon, Silvia; Teixidor López, Lídia; Gual, Antoni; Porras-García, Bruno; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Gutiérrez Maldonado, José
2013Cue-elicited anxiety and craving for food using virtual reality scenariosFerrer, Marta (Ferrer García); Gutiérrez Maldonado, José; Pla Sanjuanelo, Joana
2016Cue-exposure software for the treatment of bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorderGutiérrez Maldonado, José; Pla Sanjuanelo, Joana; Ferrer, Marta (Ferrer García)