Browsing by Author López-Mayán, Cristina

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jan-2022Dispelling misconceptions about economicsBrandts, Jordi; Busom, Isabel; López-Mayán, Cristina; Panadés Martí, Judit
2024Do voice and social information contribute to changing views about rent control policy?Brandts, Jordi; Busom, Isabel; López-Mayán, Cristina
1-Aug-2023'If my buddies use drugs, will I?' Peer effects on Substance Consumption Among TeenagersLópez-Mayán, Cristina; Nicodemo, Catia
1-Apr-2024Images say more than just words: visual versus text communication to dispel a rent-control misconceptionBrandts, Jordi; Busom, Isabel; López-Mayán, Cristina; Panadés Martí, Judit
2022Pictures are worth many words: Effectiveness of visual communication in dispelling the rent–control misconceptionBrandts, Jordi; Busom, Isabel; López-Mayán, Cristina; Panadés Martí, Judit
2024School Entry Age Policy and Adolescent Risk–TakingLópez-Mayán, Cristina; Montresor, Giulia; Nicodemo, Catia