Browsing by Author Magas, Volodymyr

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 43  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
10-Aug-2016A hidden-charm S=-1 pentaquark from the decay of Λb into J/ψηΛ statesFeijoo Aliau, Albert; Magas, Volodymyr; Ramos Gómez, Àngels; Oset Baguena, Eulogio
Jun-2017Bjorken-like model for non-central relativistic heavy ion collisionsGordillo Solana, Joel
Jun-2022The chiral approach to Meson-Baryon interactions with S = -2Valcarce Cadenas
Jan-2024Coupling channel effects on K−p correlation function using a cut off regularizationGarcia Gonzales, Erick Einar
2006Covariant description of kinetic freeze-out through a finite spacelike layerMolnár, Emil; Csernai, L. P.; Magas, Volodymyr; Nyíri, A.; Tamosiunas, K.
2008Critical review of K- ppn bound statesMagas, Volodymyr; Oset Baguena, Eulogio; Ramos Gómez, Àngels
2006A critical view on the deeply bound K- p p systemMagas, Volodymyr; Oset Baguena, Eulogio; Ramos Gómez, Àngels; Toki, H.
Jun-2022Data analysis of 3He gas-filled detectorsGonzález March, Roger
2007Diffractive J/Psi photoproduction in a dual modelFiore, Roberto; Jenkovszky, Lázsló L.; Magas, Volodymyr; Paccanoni, F.; Prokudin, A.
3-Mar-2023Double-Strangeness Molecular-Type Pentaquarks from Coupled-Channel DynamicsMarsé Valera, J. A.; Magas, Volodymyr; Ramos Gómez, Àngels
2011Dual-Regge approach to high-energy, low-mass diffraction dissociationJenkovszky, Lázsló L.; Kuprash, O. E.; Lämsä, J. W.; Magas, Volodymyr; Orava, R.
2005Evidence for the two pole structure of the Lambda(1405) resonanceMagas, Volodymyr; Oset Baguena, Eulogio; Ramos Gómez, Àngels
3-Dec-2009Exclusive J/Psi electroproduction in a dual modelFiore, Roberto; Jenkovszky, Lázsló L.; Magas, Volodymyr; Melis, S.; Prokudin, A.
29-Sep-2020Exotic hadrons in the Λb → J/Ψ φ Λ decayMagas, Volodymyr; Ramos Gómez, Àngels; Somasundaram, Rahul; Tena Vidal, Júlia
1999Fixed-angle elastic hadron scatteringFiore, Roberto; Jenkovszky, Lázsló L.; Magas, Volodymyr; Paccanoni, F.
2011Fluid dynamical prediction of changed v1-flow at energies available at the CERN Large Hadron ColliderCsernai, L. P.; Magas, Volodymyr; Stöcker, Horst; Strottman, D.
1999Freeze-out in hydrodynamical modelsAnderlik, Cs.; Csernai, L. P.; Grassi, F.; Greiner, Walter, 1935-; Hama, Y.; Kodama, Tadayuki; Lázár, Zs. I.; Magas, Volodymyr; Stöcker, Horst
20-Mar-2023Generalized effective string rope model for the initial stages of ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisionsReina Ramirez, A.; Magas, Volodymyr; Csernai, L.P.; Strottman, D.D.
Jul-2021Hadron production in statistical model with vorticitySolà Cava, Josep
Jan-2019Initial state in relativistic heavy ion collisionsRibera Paulí, Alba