Browsing by Author Martí Roca, Eugènia
Showing results 1 to 20 of 21
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
10-Oct-2015 | A round-trip ticket: the importance of release processes for in-stream nutrient spiraling | Schiller Calle, Daniel von; Bernal Berenguer, Susana; Sabater i Comas, Francesc; Martí Roca, Eugènia |
Oct-2015 | Biofilm growth and nitrogen uptake responses to increases in nitrate and ammonium availability | Ribot Bermejo, Miquel; von Schiller, Daniel; Sabater i Comas, Francesc; Martí Roca, Eugènia |
5-Apr-2022 | Consequences of an ecosystem state shift for nitrogen cycling in a desert stream | Ribot Bermejo, Miquel; Grimm, Nancy B.; Pollard, Lindsey D.; Schiller Calle, Daniel von; Handler, Amalia M.; Martí Roca, Eugènia |
17-Oct-2017 | Differences in ammonium oxidizer abundance and N uptake capacity between epilithic and epipsammic biofilms in an urban stream | Bernal Berenguer, Susana; Segarra, Anna; Merbt, Stephanie Nikola; Martí Roca, Eugènia |
27-Mar-2015 | Effects of human activities on nitrogen cycling in Mediterranean streams: contrasts between nitrate and ammoniun dynamics | Ribot Bermejo, Miquel |
1-Dec-2000 | Effects of riparian vegetation removal on nutrient retention in a Mediterranean stream | Sabater i Comas, Francesc; Butturini, Andrea; Martí Roca, Eugènia; Muñoz Gràcia, Isabel; Romaní i Cornet, Anna M.; Wray, Joanne; Sabater, Sergi |
2016 | Green light: gross primary production influences seasonal stream N export by controlling fine-scale N dynamics | Lupon Navazo, Anna; Martí Roca, Eugènia; Sabater i Comas, Francesc; Bernal Berenguer, Susana |
12-Jul-2012 | In-stream net uptake regulates inorganic nitrogen export from catchments under base flow conditions | Bernal Berenguer, Susana; Schiller Calle, Daniel von; Martí Roca, Eugènia; Sabater i Comas, Francesc |
11-May-2019 | Incorporating in-stream nutrient uptake into river management: Gipuzkoa rivers (basque country, north Spain) as a case study | Altuna, Maddi; Martí Roca, Eugènia; Sabater i Comas, Francesc; Díez, José Ramón; Riera, Joan Lluís; Izco, Félix; Elosegi, Arturo, 1962- |
Dec-2013 | Influence of nitrate and ammonium availability on uptake kinetics of stream biofilms | Ribot Bermejo, Miquel; Schiller Calle, Daniel von; Peipoch Güell, Marc; Sabater i Comas, Francesc; Grimm, Nancy B.; Martí Roca, Eugènia |
28-Mar-2017 | Macroinvertebrate community traits and nitrate removal in stream sediments | Yao, Jingmei; Colas, Fanny; Solimini, Angelo G.; Battin, Tom J.; Gafny, Sarig; Morais, Manuela; Puig, Maria A.; Martí Roca, Eugènia; Pusch, Martin T.; Voreadou, Catherina; Sabater i Comas, Francesc; Julien, Frederic; Sanchez-Perez, Jose M.; Sauvage, Sabine; Vervier, Philippe; Gerino, Magali |
23-Jan-2015 | Microbial nitrification in urban streams: from single cell activity to ecosystem | Merbt, Stephanie Nikola |
2012 | Nitrogen processing and the role of epilithic biofilms downstream of a wastewater treatment plant | Ribot Bermejo, Miquel; Martí Roca, Eugènia; Schiller Calle, Daniel von; Sabater i Comas, Francesc; Daims, Holger; Battin, Tom J. |
24-Apr-2006 | Nutrient dynamics and metabolism in Mediterranean streams affected by nutrient inputs from human activities | Canals Merseburger, Mª Goretti |
2009 | Resazurin as a 'smart' tracer for quantifying metabolically active transient storage in stream ecosystems | Haggerty, Roy; Martí Roca, Eugènia; Argerich, Alba; von Schiller, Daniel; Grimm, Nancy B. |
19-Jun-2018 | Riparian corridors: A new conceptual framework for assessingt nitrogen buffering across biomes | Pinay, Gilles; Bernal, Susana; Abbott, Benjamin W.; Lupon, Anna; Martí Roca, Eugènia; Sabater i Comas, Francesc; Krause, Stefan |
9-May-2019 | Supply, demand, and in-stream retention of dissolved organic carbon and nitrate during storms in Mediterranean forested headwater streams | Bernal Berenguer, Susana; Lupon Navazo, Anna; Wollheim, Wilfred M.; Sabater i Comas, Francesc; Poblador Ibáñez, Sílvia; Martí Roca, Eugènia |
8-Apr-2011 | Technical Note: a comparison of two empirical approaches to estimate in-stream net nutrient uptake | Schiller Calle, Daniel von; Bernal Berenguer, Susana; Martí Roca, Eugènia |
11-Apr-2018 | The role of leaf litter quality and streambed hydro-morphology on in-stream leaf litter dynamics = El rol de la qualitat de la fullaraca i de la hidro-morfologia del tram fluvial en les dinàmiques de la fullaraca als rierols | Bastias Álamo, Elliot |
25-Jun-2014 | The role of Primary Uptake Compartments on stream Nitrogen cycling = El paper dels Compartiments Primaris en el ciclatge del Nitrogen als ecosistemes fluvials | Peipoch Güell, Marc |