Browsing by Author Meyer, A.

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
9-May-2017Carbon and chlorine isotope fractionation patterns associated with different engineered chloroform transformation reactionsTorrentó, Clara; Palau, Jordi; Rodríguez Fernández, Diana; Heckel, B.; Meyer, A.; Domènech Ortí, Cristina; Rosell, Mònica; Soler i Gil, Albert; Elsner, M.; Hunkeler, D.
10-Feb-2017Compound-Specific Chlorine Isotope Analysis of Tetrachloromethane and Trichloromethane by Gas Chromatography-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry vs Gas Chromatography-Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry: Method Development and Evaluation of Precision and TruenessHeckel, B.; Rodríguez Fernández, Diana; Torrentó, Clara; Meyer, A.; Palau, Jordi; Domènech Ortí, Cristina; Rosell, Mònica; Soler i Gil, Albert; Hunkeler, D.; Elsner, M.
Sep-2018Dual element (C-Cl) isotope approach to distinguish abiotic reactions of chlorinated methanes by Fe(0) and by Fe(II) on iron minerals at neutral and alkaline pHRodríguez Fernández, Diana; Heckel, B.; Torrentó, Clara; Meyer, A.; Elsner, M.; Hunkeler, D.; Soler i Gil, Albert; Rosell, Mònica; Domènech Ortí, Cristina