Browsing by Author Montiel Argaiz, Manuel
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
11-May-2016 | Effective new method for synthesizing Pt and CoPt3 mesoporous nanorods. New catalysts for ethanol electro-oxidation in alkaline medium | Serrà i Ramos, Albert; Gómez, Elvira; Montiel Argaiz, Manuel; Vallés Giménez, Elisa |
2014 | Electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol on CoNi electrodeposited materials | Tarrús, X.; Montiel Argaiz, Manuel; Vallés Giménez, Elisa; Gómez, Elvira |
28-Mar-2014 | Electrochemical synthesis of mesoporous CoPt nanowires for methanol oxidation | Serrà i Ramos, Albert; Montiel Argaiz, Manuel; Gómez, Elvira; Vallés Giménez, Elisa |
Jun-2013 | Preparation of PtCo catalysts by electrodeposition for oxygen reduction in fuel | Caparrós Rodríguez, Francisco Javier |
Jun-2017 | Synthesis and stability of Pt3Co and Pt0.7≤X≤1Co films voltammetrically activated in acidic medium for methanol fuel cell application | Vilana i Balastegui, Joan; Montiel Argaiz, Manuel; Gimeno, Núria; Gómez, Elvira; Vallés Giménez, Elisa |