Browsing by Author Moreno, J. A.

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-Feb-1997Analysis of geometrical effects on the behavior of transverse and longitudinal modes of amorphous silicon compoundsMoreno, J. A.; Garrido Fernández, Blas; Samitier i Martí, Josep; Morante i Lleonart, Joan Ramon
6-Oct-2006Efficient energy transfer from Si clusters to Er3+ in complex silicate glassesLebour, Youcef; Pellegrino, Paolo; García Favrot, Cristina; Moreno, J. A.; Garrido Fernández, Blas
1-Apr-2018High-carotenoid maize: development of plant biotechnology prototypes for human and animal health and nutritionZhu, C.; Farré, G; Zanga, D.; Lloveras, J.; Michelena, A.; Ferrio, J. P.; Voltas, J.; Slafer, G.; Savin, R.; Albajes, R.; Eizaguirre, M.; Lopez, C.; Cantero-Martínez, C.; Díaz-Gómez, J.; Nogareda, C; Moreno, J. A.; Angulo, E.; Estany, J.; Pena, R. N.; Tor, M.; Portero-Otin, Manuel; Eritja, N.; Arjo, G.; Serrano, J. C. E.; Matias-Guiu, Xavier; Twyman, R. M.; Sandmann, G.; Capell, T.; Christou, P.
1-Dec-1984Reconstruction of the SiO2 structure damaged by low-energy Ar-implanted ionsGarrido Fernández, Blas; Samitier i Martí, Josep; Bota Ferragut, Sebastián Antonio; Moreno, J. A.; Montserrat i Martí, Josep; Morante i Lleonart, Joan Ramon