Browsing by Author Muñoz, Xavier

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Apr-2020Exploring the Role of Mutations in Fanconi Anemia Genes in Hereditary Cancer PatientsValle, Jesús del; Rofes, Paula; Moreno Cabrera, José Marcos; López Dóriga Guerra, Adriana; Belhadj, Sami; Vargas Parra, Gardenía María; Teulé-Vega, Àlex; Cuesta, Raquel; Muñoz, Xavier; Campos, Olga; Salinas Masdeu, Mònica; Cid, Rafael de; Brunet, Joan; González, Sara; Capellá, G. (Gabriel); Pineda Riu, Marta; Feliubadaló i Elorza, Maria Lídia; Lázaro García, Conxi
20-Aug-2022How reliably can algorithms identify eosinophilic asthma phenotypes using non-invasive biomarkers?Betancor, Diana; Olaguibel, José María; Rodrigo Muñoz, José Manuel; Arismendi, Ebymar; Barranco, Pilar; Barroso, Blanca; Bobolea, Irina; Cárdaba, Blanca; Cruz, María Jesús; Curto, Elena; Pozo, Victoria del; González Barcala, Francisco Javier; Martínez Rivera, Carlos; Mullol i Miret, Joaquim; Muñoz, Xavier; Picado Vallés, César; Plaza, Vicente; Quirce, Santiago; Rial Prado, Manuel Jorge; Soto, Lorena; Valero, Antonio; Valverde Monge, Marcela; Sastre, Joaquín
Oct-2014Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Resolve Airway Inflammation, Hyperreactivity, And Histopathology In A Mouse Model Of Occupational AsthmaMartínez González, Itziar; Cruz, María Jesús; Moreno Olié, Rafael; Morell, Ferran; Muñoz, Xavier; Aran Perramon, Josep M.
1-Aug-2024Lung Function and Symptoms of Exposure to the Volcanic Eruption in the Canary Islands: First Follow-Up of the ASHES StudyCandal Pedreira, Cristina; Díaz Pérez, David; Velasco, Valle; Casanova, Ciro; Acosta, Orlando; Peces Barba, Germán; Barreiro, Esther; Cañas, Ana; Castaño, Argelia; Cruz Carmona, María Jesús; Diego, Carmen; García Aymerich, Judith; Martínez, Cristina; Molina Molina, María; Muñoz, Xavier; Sánchez Íñigo, Francisco Javier; Ruano Ravina, Alberto
4-Jul-2019Rs12416605:C>T in MIR938 associates with gastric cancer through affecting the regulation of the CXCL12 chemokine geneTorruella Loran, Ignasi; Ramirez Viña, María Karla; Zapata Contreras, Daniela; Muñoz, Xavier; Garcia Ramallo, Eva; Bonet Bonet, Catalina; Gonzalez, Carlos A.; Sala, Núria; Espinosa Parrilla, Yolanda; The Epic Gastric Cancer Working Group
30-Jan-2020Sudan red dye: a new agent causing type-2 occupational asthmaClofent, David; Homdedeu, Miquel de; Muñoz Esquerre, Mariana; Cruz, María Jesús; Muñoz, Xavier
2023Validity of prognostic models of critical COVID-19 is variable. A systematic review with external validationBosch de Basea, Magda; Cobo, Inés; Subirana Cachinero, Isaac; Ceresa, Mario; Famada, Ernest; Gimeno Santos, Elena; Delgado-Ortiz, Laura; Faner, Rosa; Molina Molina, María; Agustí García-Navarro, Àlvar; Muñoz, Xavier; Sibila Vidal, Oriol; Gea Guiral, Joaquim; García Aymerich, Judith