Browsing by Author Munné Bosch, Sergi

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 52  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
8-May-2020A rapid and sensitive method to assess seed longevity through accelerated aging in an invasive plant speciesFenollosa, Erola; Jené, Laia; Munné Bosch, Sergi
1-Feb-2018ABA signalling manipulation suppresses senescence of a leafy vegetable stored at room temperatureMiret Barrio, Javier Alberto; Munné Bosch, Sergi; Dijkwel, Paul P.
1-Aug-2023Acclimation to a combination of water deficit and nutrient deprivation through simultaneous increases in abscisic acid and bioactive jasmonates in the succulent plant Sempervivum tectorum LVilladangos Redondo, Sabina; Munné Bosch, Sergi
8-Mar-2024All for one: organ and tissue-specific responses in the hormonal modulation of plant (a)biotic interactionsHernández Fresno, David
1-Jul-2020An Enzymatically hydrolyzed animal protein-based biostimulant (Pepton) increases salicylic acid and promotes growth of tomato roots under temperature and nutrient stressCasadesús Cabral, Andrea; Pérez-Llorca, Marina; Munné Bosch, Sergi; Polo Pozo, Francisco Javier
1-Jan-2024Ascorbic acid as a master redox regulator of fruit ripeningArabia, Alba; Munné Bosch, Sergi; Muñoz Roldán, Paula
23-May-2017Biosíntesi, distribució, acumulació i funció de la vitamina E en llavors: mecanismes de controlSiles Suárez, Laura
Nov-2022Contrasting seasonal abiotic stress and herbivory incidence in <em>Cistus albidus</em> L. plants growing in their natural habitat on a Mediterranean mountainCasadesús, Andrea; Bouchikh, Rachida; Munné Bosch, Sergi
7-Oct-2021Desarrollo, estabilidad y eficacia de biofertilizantes para la mejora del cultivo de plantas de tomate y maízNavarro Arenas, Miriam
2-Feb-2021Differential Tissue-Specific Jasmonic Acid, Salicylic Acid, and Abscisic Acid Dynamics in Sweet Cherry Development and Their Implications in Fruit-Microbe InteractionsFresno, David; Munné Bosch, Sergi
26-Sep-2014Edat cronològica, edat fisiològica i sexe: factors determinants de l'estrès oxidatiu en plantesJuvany Cánovas, Marta
5-Jun-2015Envelliment en plantes perennes de gran longevitat: importància de l’estrès oxidatiu i la vitamina EMorales Fernández, Melanie
9-Sep-2020Estrès, reproducció i senescència en l’èxit invasor: l’estudi de cas de Carpobrotus edulisFenollosa Romaní, Erola
2015Evidence of drought stress memory in the facultative CAM, Aptenia cordifolia: Possible role of phytohormonesFleta Soriano, Eva; Pintó i Marijuan, Marta; Munné Bosch, Sergi
26-Sep-2007Flavan-3-ol and ascorbate accumulation and oxidation in plants, and its physiological significanceHernández, Iker
24-Apr-2009Funció del peròxid d'hidrogen en l'aclimatació de "Cistus albidus" L. al dèficit hídric en condicions de camp. Relació estrès hídric-estrès oxidatiuJubany Marí, Tana
3-Jul-2021Geographic Patterns of seed trait variation in an invasive species: how much can close populations differ?Fenollosa, Erola; Jené, Laia; Munné Bosch, Sergi
9-Feb-2016Grapevine rootstocks differentially affect the rate of ripening and modulate auxin-related genes in cabernet sauvignon berriesCorso, Massimiliano; Vannozzi, Alessandro; Ziliotto, Fiorenza; Zouine, Mohamed; Maza, Elie; Nicolato, Tommaso; Vitulo, Nicola; Meggio, Franco; Valle, Giorgio; Bouzayen, Mondher; Müller, Maren; Munné Bosch, Sergi; Lucchin, Margherita; Bonghi, Claudio
2013Hormonal cross-talk in plant development and stress responsesMunné Bosch, Sergi; Müller, Maren
Nov-2023Hormonal involvement in boosting the vegetative vigour underlying caffeine-related improvements in lentil productionJené, Laia; Munné Bosch, Sergi