Browsing by Author Nuñez Gil, Iván

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jan-2021Evaluation of optimal medical therapy in acute myocardial infarction patients with prior strokeZhang, Dongfeng; Song, Xiantao; Raposeiras Roubín, Sergio; Abu-Assi, Emad; Simao Henriques, Jose Paulo; D’ascenzo, Fabrizio; Saucedo, Jorge; González Juanatey, José Ramón; Wilton, Stephen B.; Kikkert, Wouter J.; Nuñez Gil, Iván; Ariza Solé, Albert; Alexopoulos, Dimitrios; Liebetrau, Christoph; Kawaji, Tetsuma; Moretti, Claudio; Huczek, Zenon; Nie, Shaoping; Fujii, Toshiharu; Correia, Luis; Kawashiri, Masa-aki; Southern, Danielle; Kalpak, Oliver; The Bleeding complications in a Multicenter registry of patients discharged with diagnosis of Acute Coronary Syndrome (BleeMACS) Registry Investigators