Browsing by Author Pérez-Llorca, Marina

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jul-2020An Enzymatically hydrolyzed animal protein-based biostimulant (Pepton) increases salicylic acid and promotes growth of tomato roots under temperature and nutrient stressCasadesús Cabral, Andrea; Pérez-Llorca, Marina; Munné Bosch, Sergi; Polo Pozo, Francisco Javier
19-Jun-2019Leaf orientation as part of the leaf developmental program in the semi-deciduous shrub, Cistus albidus l.: Diurnal, positional, and photoprotective effects during winterPérez-Llorca, Marina; Casadesús, Andrea; Müller, Maren; Munné Bosch, Sergi
10-Sep-2021Leaf Size modulation by cytokinins in sesame plantsMehmood, Maryam; Pérez-Llorca, Marina; Casadesús, Andrea; Farrakh, Sumaira; Munné Bosch, Sergi
10-Feb-2021Structural and physiological mechanisms underlying abiotic stress tolerance in the Mediterranean shrub Cistus albudus L.Pérez-Llorca, Marina