Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2004 | Collective dynamic properties in simple crystals: Influence of the structural disorder | Anento Moreno, Napoleón; Padró i Cárdenas, Joan Àngel |
2001 | Comment on "Neutron brillouin scattering study of collective dynamics in a dense He-Ne gaseous mixture" | Padró i Cárdenas, Joan Àngel; Anento Moreno, Napoleón; Canales Gabriel, Manel |
1994 | Computer simulation study of liquid lithium at 470 and 843 K | Canales Gabriel, Manel; González, Luis Enrique; Padró i Cárdenas, Joan Àngel |
1997 | Diffusive transport properties in monovalent and divalent metal-ion halide melts: A computer simulation study | Trullàs Simó, Joaquim; Padró i Cárdenas, Joan Àngel |
1999 | Dynamic properties of Lennard Jones fluids and liquid metals | Canales Gabriel, Manel; Padró i Cárdenas, Joan Àngel |
1978 | La electrónica en el Bachillerato | Agustench, Montserrat; Buchaca Solé, Enric; Carreras Diaz, Guillem; Oliveras Casas, Joan; Padró i Cárdenas, Joan Àngel; Torra Ferré, Vicente |
2000 | Longitudinal collective modes in simple liquid binary alloys: A computer simulation study. | Anento Moreno, Napoleón; Padró i Cárdenas, Joan Àngel |
2001 | Molecular dynamics study of the longitudinal modes in disparate-mass binaryliquid mixtures. | Anento Moreno, Napoleón; Padró i Cárdenas, Joan Àngel |
1994 | Self and cross-velocity correlation functions and diffusion coefficients in liquids: a molecular dynamics study of binary mixtures of soft spheres | Trullàs Simó, Joaquim; Padró i Cárdenas, Joan Àngel |
2001 | Self-dynamic structure factor of dense liquids: Theory and simulation | Canales Gabriel, Manel; Padró i Cárdenas, Joan Àngel |
25-May-1990 | Simulació per dinàmica de Langevin generalitzada en sistemes de partícules interactives | Sesé i Castel, Gemma |
1997 | Static and dynamic structure of liquid metals: Role of the different parts of the interaction potential | Canales Gabriel, Manel; Padró i Cárdenas, Joan Àngel |
1998 | Static structure and dynamics of the liquid Li-Na and Li-Mg alloys | Canales Gabriel, Manel; González Fernández, David José; González Tesedo, Luis Enrique; Padró i Cárdenas, Joan Àngel |
2000 | Velocity cross-correlations and atomic momentum transfer in simple liquids with different potential cores | Verdaguer Prats, Albert; Padró i Cárdenas, Joan Àngel |