Browsing by Author Picola, Natàlia

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
13-Sep-2023A Diagnostic Accuracy Study of Targeted and Systematic Biopsies to Detect Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer, including a Model for the Partial Omission of Systematic BiopsiesMorote, Juan; Picola, Natàlia; Muñoz Rodríguez, Jesús; Paesano, Nahuel; Ruiz Plazas, Xavier; Muñoz Rivero, Marta V.; Celma, Anna; García de Manuel, Gemma; Aisian, Ignacio; Servian, Pol; Abascal, José M.
23-Jun-2024Comparing Two Targeted Biopsy Schemes for Detecting Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer in Magnetic Resonance Index Lesions: Two- to Four-Core versus Saturated Transperineal Targeted BiopsyMorote, Juan; Paesano, Nahuel; Picola, Natàlia; Miró, Berta; Abascal, José M.; Servian, Pol; Trilla, Enrique; Méndez, Olga
5-Feb-2024Effect of 5-Alpha Reductase Inhibitors on Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Prostate Cancer DetectionMorote, Juan; Picola, Natàlia; Muñoz Rodríguez, Jesús; Paesano, Nahuel; Ruiz Plazas, Xavier; Muñoz Rivero, Marta V.; Celma, Ana; García de Manuel, Gemma; Miró, Berta; Servian, Pol; Abascal, José M.
1-Jan-2024Validation of the Barcelona-MRI predictive model when PI-RADS v2.1 is used with transperineal prostate biopsiesMorote, Juan; Paesano, Nahuel; Picola, Natàlia; Muñoz-rodriguez, Jesús; Ruiz-plazas, Xavier; Muñoz-rivero, Marta V.; Celma, Ana; Manuel, Gemma García-de; Miró, Berta; Servian, Pol; Abascal, José M.