Browsing by Author Planes Vila, Antoni

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 116  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018A multicaloric cooling cycle that exploits thermal hysteresisGottschall, Tino; Gràcia Condal, Adrià; Fries, Maximilian; Taublel, A.; Pfeuffer, L.; Mañosa, Lluís; Planes Vila, Antoni; Skokov, K.P.; Gutfleisch, O.
2006Acoustic emission across the magnetostructural transition of the giant magnetocaloric Gd5Si2Ge2Pérez Reche, Francisco José; Casanova i Fernàndez, Fèlix; Vives i Santa-Eulàlia, Eduard; Mañosa, Lluís; Planes Vila, Antoni; Marcos, Jordi; Batlle Gelabert, Xavier; Labarta, Amílcar
11-May-2020Advanced characterization of multicaloric materials in pulsed magnetic fields.Gottschall, T; Bykov, E.; Garcia Capdevila, Xavier; Beckmann, B.; Taublel, A.; Pfeuffer, L.; Gutfleisch, O.; Mañosa, Lluís; Planes Vila, Antoni; Skourski, Y.; Wonitza, J.
1-Jan-1999Aging behavior in Cu-Al-Be shape memory alloySomoza, Alberto; Romero, Ricardo; Mañosa, Lluís; Planes Vila, Antoni
1999Anharmonicity of Cu-based shape-memory alloys in the vicinity of their martensitic transitionGonzàlez Comas, Alfons; Mañosa, Lluís; Planes Vila, Antoni; Morin, Michel
1997Anomalies related to the TA2 phonon mode condensation in the Heusler Ni2MnGa alloyMañosa, Lluís; Gonzàlez Comas, Alfons; Obradó Llauradó, Eduard; Planes Vila, Antoni; Chernenko, V. A.; Kokorin, V. V.; Cesari, Eduard
2001Athermal character of structural phase transitionsPérez Reche, Francisco José; Vives i Santa-Eulàlia, Eduard; Mañosa, Lluís; Planes Vila, Antoni
1-Nov-1991Atomic ordering and martensitic transitions in Cu-Zn-Al shape memory alloysMacqueron, J. L.; Morin, Michel; Guénin, G.; Planes Vila, Antoni; Elgueta, J.; Castán i Vidal, Maria Teresa
1994Avalanches in a fluctuationless first-order phase transition in a random-bond Ising modelVives i Santa-Eulàlia, Eduard; Planes Vila, Antoni
15-Aug-2014Avalanches in compressed porous SiO2-based materialsNataf, Guillaume F.; Castillo Villa, Pedro O.; Baró i Urbea, Jordi; Illa i Tortós, Xavier; Vives i Santa-Eulàlia, Eduard; Planes Vila, Antoni; Salje, Ekhard K. H.
30-Aug-2018Caloric response of Fe49Rh51 subjected to uniaxial load and magnetic field.Gràcia Condal, Adrià; Stern Taulats, Enric; Planes Vila, Antoni; Mañosa, Lluís
15-May-2003Change in entropy at a first-order magnetoelastic phase transition: Case study of Gd5(SixGe1-x)4 giant magnetocaloric alloysCasanova i Fernàndez, Fèlix; Batlle Gelabert, Xavier; Labarta, Amílcar; Marcos, Jordi; Mañosa, Lluís; Planes Vila, Antoni
1-Oct-2002Coexisting ferro- and antiferromagnetism in Ni2MnAl Heusler alloysAcet, Mehmet; Duman, Eyüp; Wassermann, Eberhard F.; Mañosa, Lluís; Planes Vila, Antoni
18-Apr-2019Colossal barocaloric effects near room temperaturein plastic crystals of neopentylglycolLloveras, Pol; Aznar, Araceli; Barrio, María; Negrier, Philippe; Popescu, C.; Planes Vila, Antoni; Mañosa, Lluís; Stern Taulats, Enric; Avramenko, A.; Mathur, Neil D.; Moya Raposo, Xavier; Tamarit, Josep Lluís
26-Jun-2019Colossal Elastocaloric Effect in Ferroelastic Ni-Mn-Ti AlloysCong, Daoyong; Xiong, Wenxin; Planes Vila, Antoni; Ren, Yang; Mañosa, Lluís; Cao, Peiyu; Nie, Zhihua; Sun, Xiaoming; Yang, Zhi; Hong, Xiufeng; Wang, Yandong
23-Apr-2008Combined Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of the Premartensitic Transition in Ni2 MnGaOpeil, C. P.; Mihaila, B.; Schulze, R. K.; Mañosa, Lluís; Planes Vila, Antoni; Hults, W. L.; Fisher, R. A.; Riseborough, P. S.; Littlewood, P. B.; Smith, J. L.; Lashley, J. C.
1996Comment on "Kinetics of spinodal decomposition in the ising model with vacancy diffusion"Frontera Beccaria, Carlos; Vives i Santa-Eulàlia, Eduard; Castán i Vidal, Maria Teresa; Planes Vila, Antoni
2007Contribution of low-frequency modes to the specific heat of Cu-Zn-Al shape-memory alloysLashley, J. C.; Drymiotis, F. R.; Safarik, D. J.; Smith, J. L.; Romero, Ricardo; Fisher, R. A.; Planes Vila, Antoni; Mañosa, Lluís
2007Cooling and heating by adiabatic magnetization in Ni50Mn34In16 magnetic shape-memory alloyMoya Raposo, Xavier; Mañosa, Lluís; Planes Vila, Antoni; Aksoy, Seda; Acet, Mehmet; Wassermann, Eberhard F.; Krenke, Thorsten
1991Critical behavior of a system with orientational and positional degrees of freedom: A Monte Carlo simulation studyVives i Santa-Eulàlia, Eduard; Planes Vila, Antoni