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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
10-Aug-2016A hidden-charm S=-1 pentaquark from the decay of Λb into J/ψηΛ statesFeijoo Aliau, Albert; Magas, Volodymyr; Ramos Gómez, Àngels; Oset Baguena, Eulogio
25-Apr-2018A meson-baryon molecular interpretation for some (Ωc) excited statesMontaña Faiget, Glòria; Feijoo Aliau, Albert; Ramos Gómez, Àngels
18-Feb-2022An analytic parametrization of the hypernuclear matter equation of stateKochankovski, Hristijan; Ramos Gómez, Àngels; Vidaña, Isaac
1998Analysis of exchange terms in a projected extended random phase approximation theory applied to the quasielastic (e,e') reactionBauer, E.; Polls Martí, Artur; Ramos Gómez, Àngels
2002Antikaon potential in hot and dense matterTolós Rigueiro, Laura; Ramos Gómez, Àngels; Polls Martí, Artur
2005Asymmetries in the nonmesonic weak decay of polarized Lambda-hypernucleiAlberico, W. M.; Garbarino, G.; Parreño García, Assumpta; Ramos Gómez, Àngels
Feb-2022Atomic and nuclear Ξ− bound statesValls Cifre, Antoni
Feb-2021Baryons with bottom as meson-baryon molecular stateMarsé Valera, Josep Arnau
1991Binding energy and momentum distribution of nuclear matter using Green's functions methodsRamos Gómez, Àngels; Dickhoff, Willem H.; Polls Martí, Artur
2005Bulk and single-particle properties of hyperonic matter at finite temperatureRíos Huguet, Arnau; Polls Martí, Artur; Ramos Gómez, Àngels; Vidaña Haro, Isaac
5-Mar-2012Charmed baryon resonances and mesons in hot and dense matterJiménez Tejero, Clara Estela
2006Chiral approach to antikaon s- and p-wave interactions in dense nuclear matterTolós Rigueiro, Laura; Ramos Gómez, Àngels; Oset Baguena, Eulogio
19-Oct-2011Chiral unitary approach to eta'N scattering at low energiesOset Baguena, Eulogio; Ramos Gómez, Àngels
2000Chiral unitary model for kaonic atomsHirenzaki, S.; Okumura, Y.; Toki, H.; Oset Baguena, Eulogio; Ramos Gómez, Àngels
1996Continuum random phase approximation method applied to the inclusive transverse electron scattering responseBauer, E.; Ramos Gómez, Àngels; Polls Martí, Artur
2005Correlations in hot asymmetric nuclear matterFrick, Tobias; Müther, Herbert; Ríos Huguet, Arnau; Polls Martí, Artur; Ramos Gómez, Àngels
2008Critical review of K- ppn bound statesMagas, Volodymyr; Oset Baguena, Eulogio; Ramos Gómez, Àngels
2006A critical view on the deeply bound K- p p systemMagas, Volodymyr; Oset Baguena, Eulogio; Ramos Gómez, Àngels; Toki, H.
2006D mesons in nuclear matter: A DN coupled-channel equations approachMizutani, Tetsuro; Ramos Gómez, Àngels
8-Jun-2001Description of hyperonic matter and hypernuclei within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock theoryVidaña Haro, Isaac