Browsing by Author Rotchés Ribalta, Roser
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
Apr-2020 | Dataset containing data used in the study “Long-term farming systems and last crop sown shape the species and functional composition of the arable weed seedbank” | Rotchés Ribalta, Roser; Sans, Xavier (Sans i Serra); Mäder, Paul |
24-Jul-2015 | Efecte de les pràctiques agricoles i del paisatge sobre la flora segetal dels secans mediterranis. Implicacions per a la conservació = Effect of farming practices and landscape on the segetal species of Mediterranean dry land arable fields. Implications for conservation | Rotchés Ribalta, Roser |
19-Apr-2020 | Long‐term farming systems and last crop sown shape the species and functional composition of the arable weed seedbank | Rotchés Ribalta, Roser; Sans, Xavier (Sans i Serra); Mayer, Jochen; Mäder, Paul |