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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
7-Jun-2024<span style="color:rgb( 33 , 33 , 33 )">Rewinding the invasion history of monk parakeets in Barcelona city: 1976-2022</span>Borray-Escalante, Natalia A.; Nuñez-Tobajas, Zulema; Batllori, Xavier; Santos, D.; Clavell, Jordi; Domènech Feliu, Jordi; Arroyo, L.; Uribe, Francesc; Rodríguez-Pastor, Ruth; Pascual, J.; Carrillo Ortiz, José Guadalupe; Molina, Blas; del Moral, Juan Carlos; Montalvo, Tomás; Cardador Bergua, Laura; Hatchwell, Ben; Senar, Joan Carles