Browsing by Author Serrano, Elena

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
30-Jun-2022Comparison of First-Pass Effect in Aspiration vs. Stent-Retriever for Acute Intracranial ICA OcclusionHernández, David; Serrano, Elena; Molins, Gemma; Zarco, Federico; Chirife, Oscar; Werner, Mariano; Lara, Blanca; Ramos Triguero, Anna; Llull, Laura; Requena, Manuel; Dios las Cuevas, Marta de; Remollo, Sebastián; Piñana, Carlos; López Rueda, Antonio
1-Jun-2024Imaging of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension before, during and after balloon pulmonary angioplastyPáez Carpio, Alfredo; Vollmer, Ivan; Zarco, Federico X.; Matute González, Mario; Domenech Ximenos, Blanca; Serrano, Elena; Barberà i Mir, Joan Albert; Blanco Vich, Isabel; Gómez, Fernando M.
9-Apr-2014Interleukin-19 impairment in active Crohn's disease patientsCantó, Elisabet; Garcia Planella, Esther; Zamora-Atenza, Carlos; Nieto, Juan Camilo; Gordillo, Jordi; Ortiz, Ma. Àngels; Metón Teijeiro, Isidoro; Serrano, Elena; Vegas Lozano, Esteban; García Bosch, Orlando; Juárez Rubio, Cándido; Vidal i Alcorisa, Sílvia