Browsing by Author Symonds, William T.

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Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
15-May-2014Ledipasvir and sofosbuvir for untreated HCV genotype 1 infection.Afdhal, Nezam; Zeuzem, Stefan; Kwo, Paul Y.; Chojkier, Mario; Gitlin, Norman; Puoti, Massimo; Romero-Gómez, Manuel; Zarski, Jean Pierre; Agarwal, Kosh; Buggisch, Peter; Foster, Graham R.; Bräu, Norbert; Buti, Maria; Jacobson, Ira M.; Subramanian, G.Mani; Ding, Xiao; Mo, Hongmei; Yang, Jenny C.; Pang, Philip S.; Symonds, William T.; McHutchison, John G.; Muir, Andrew J.; Mangia, Alessandra; Marcellin, Patrick; Forns, Xavier
22-May-2014Sofosbuvir and ribavirin in HCV genotypes 2 and 3Zeuzem, Stefan; Dusheiko, Geoffrey; Salupere, Riina; Mangia, Alessandra; Flisiak, Robert; Hyland, Robert H.; Illeperuma, Ari; Svarovskaia, Evguenia; Brainard, Diana M.; Symonds, William T.; Subramanian, G.Mani; McHutchison, John G.; Weiland, Ola; Reesink, Hendrik W; Ferenci, Peter; Hézode, Christophe; Esteban, Rafael; Forns, Xavier; VALENCE Investigators.