Browsing by Author Tadei, Federico

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Aid and economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: the role of institutionsCanals Ortuño, Anna
2020Colonizer Identity and Trade in Africa: Were the British More Favourable to Free Trade?Tadei, Federico
May-2022Colonizer identity and trade in Africa: Were the British more favourable to free trade?Tadei, Federico
2018From Sickle to Hammer: Frictions’ Role in the Industrialization of RussiaBlasco i Piles, Guillem
15-Nov-2023From sickle to hammer: The decline of production frictions and the Industrialization of russiaBlasco-Piles, Guillem; Tadei, Federico
Aug-2024Income inequality and export-oriented commercialization in colonial Africa: Evidence from six countriesHillbom, Ellen; Bolt, Jutta; De Haas, Michiel; Tadei, Federico
2019Income Inequality in French West Africa: Building Social Tables for Pre-Independence Senegal and Ivory CoastAlfani, Guido; Tadei, Federico
2020Measuring extractive institutions: colonial trade and price gaps in French AfricaTadei, Federico
Jun-2018Rethinking Africa's GDP, 1796-1950McLeary, Luke Anthony
21-Dec-2022State capacity, Catholic missions and education in colonial MozambiqueFernández Cebrián, Pablo
Feb-2022Tadei, F. (2022). Ayodeji Olukoju and Daniel Castillo Hidalgo (eds.). African Seaports and Maritime Economics in Historical Perspective. London, Palgrave, 2020, 239 pp. Investigaciones de Historia Económica, 18(1), 76-77. [Ressenya de llibre]Tadei, Federico
Oct-2018The Long-Term Effects of Extractive Institutions: Evidence from Trade Policies in Colonial French AfricaTadei, Federico
2020We are short on men! The long-run effects of the transatlantic slave trade on anti-gay sentimentsNavarro Serrano, Cristian