Browsing by Author Troncoso Mariño, Amelia

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Sep-2021Combined Multimorbidity and Polypharmacy Patterns in the Elderly: A Cross-Sectional Study in Primary Health CareStafford, Grant; Villén, Noemí; Roso Llorach, Albert; Troncoso Mariño, Amelia; Monteagudo, Mònica; Violán, Concepción
17-Dec-2019Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of Improving clinicians' diagnostic and communication Skills on Antibiotic prescribing Appropriateness in patients with acute Cough in primary care in CATalonia (the ISAAC-CAT study): Study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trialRuiz, Rafa; Moragas Moreno, Anna; Trapero Bertran, Marta; Sisó Almirall, Antoni; Berenguera, Anna; Oliva, Glòria; García Sangenís, Ana; Puig Junoy, Jaume; Cots Yago, José Ma. (José María); Morros Pedrós, Rosa; Mora, Toni; Lanau Roig, Anna; Monfà, Ramon; Troncoso Mariño, Amelia; Abellana Sangrà, Rosa Mari; Gálvez, Pau; Bjerrum, Lars; Amo, Isabel; Barragán, Nieves; Llor i Vilà, Carles; Borràs Santos, Alícia; Medina Perucha, Laura
13-May-2023Fracture risk after deprescription of bisphosphonates: Application of real-world data in primary careTroncoso Mariño, Amelia; Lestón Vázquez, Marta; Gallardo Borge, Sara; Val Garcia, José Luís del; Amado Guirado, Ester; Violán, Concepción
11-Feb-2021Medication-Related Problems in Older People with Multimorbidity in Catalonia: A Real-World Data Study with 5 Years’ Follow-UpTroncoso Mariño, Amelia; Roso Llorach, Albert; López Jiménez, Tomás; Villen, Noemí; Amado Guirado, Ester; Fernández Bertolin, Sergio; Carrasco Ribelles, Lucía A.; Borràs Andrés, Josep Maria; Violán, Concepción