Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 45
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
30-Sep-2024 | X-ray Signatures of Particle Escape from Pulsar Wind Nebulae | Zhang, Xiying |
11-Jun-2024 | La evolución química del disco de la Galaxia a partir de los cúmulos estelares | Carbajo Hijarrubia, Juan |
19-Jan-2024 | De-noising of gravitational-wave data: the rROF method in the cWB data analysis pipeline | Barneo González, Pablo José |
8-Apr-2024 | Dynamical characterisation of the Magellanic Clouds with Gaia data and the KRATOS simulations | Jiménez Arranz, Óscar |
12-Apr-2024 | Disentangling the formation path of lenticular galaxies | Tous Mayol, Josep Lluís |
13-Dec-2023 | Towards a non-perturbative description of cosmological inflation | Cruces Mateo, Diego |
10-Jul-2023 | Exotic phases of matter in low dimensional lattices: from quantum liquids to kinetic magnetism | Morera Navarro, Ivan |
6-Jul-2023 | Dark energy in quantum field theory: Implications on modern cosmology | Moreno Pulido, Cristian |
31-Mar-2023 | Nonlocal Lagrangian Formalism | Heredia Pimienta, Carlos |
14-Sep-2022 | From the Precision Era towards the Accuracy Era of Cosmology with DESI | Brieden, Samuel |
8-Jul-2022 | Effective-theory description of heavy-flavored hadrons and their properties in a hot medium | Montaña Faiget, Glòria |
3-Jun-2022 | Observational consequences of Black Holes in the Universe: From dark matter candidates to quasars | Oncins Fernández, Marc |
20-Jun-2022 | Variational quantum architectures. Applications for noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers | Bravo Prieto, Carlos |
26-Apr-2022 | The Dynamical State of Star-forming Regions, from Molecular Clouds to Massive Clumps | Lu, Zujia |
12-Nov-2021 | Primordial black holes and their implications for Inflation | Triantafyllou, Nikolaos |
29-Sep-2021 | Modeling and observations of relativistic outflows in high-energy binary systems | Molina Lumbreras, Edgar |
9-Sep-2021 | Approaching nuclear interactions with lattice QCD | Illa Subiña, Marc |
21-Jun-2021 | Numerical simulations of primordial black holes | Escrivá Mañas, Alberto |
14-Apr-2021 | Effective Dynamics of Black Hole Horizons | Licht, David |
10-Feb-2021 | Holography applications in the strongly coupled sector: from QCD to the new physics | Katanaeva, Alisa |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 45