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dc.contributor.advisorCapel Sáez, Horacio, 1941--
dc.contributor.advisorPires, Hindenburgo-
dc.contributor.authorSantos, Nara Nilcéia da Silva-
dc.contributor.otherUniversitat de Barcelona. Facultat d'Economia i Empresa-
dc.description.abstract[por] Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo elaborar um estudo sobre o patrimônio cultural e o turismo na cidade de Pelotas no sul do Brasil enfocando a importância do patrimônio para o desenvolvimento do turismo cultural. A cidade de Pelotas se desenvolveu economicamente com o estabelecimento de charqueadas escravista no final do século XVIII. E com um grande acumulo de riqueza a cidade passou por um período de desenvolvimento modernista e tecnológico diretamente influenciado pela cultura Europeia, em meados de século XIX e inicio do século XX, destacando-se do resto do país no processo de modernização urbana. Esse período consolidou uma paisagem cultural histórica materializada no seu conjunto arquitetônico artístico de exemplar importância para o país, possibilitando o desenvolvimento do turismo cultural. Em um primeiro momento é apresentado uma discussão de patrimônio, turismo e desenvolvimento. E no segundo momento é apresentado o estudo do turismo e patrimônio cultural da cidade identificando de forma sistemática o patrimônio cultural inventariado e outros elementos do patrimônio cultural, como o patrimônio artístico, arqueológico bem como o patrimônio cultural imaterial. Apresenta a contextualização do período de apogeu econômico, industrial e moderno e o seu impacto na vida urbana justificando a importância do estudo. O presente trabalho demonstrou que a cidade de Pelotas apresenta um rico patrimônio cultural constituindo um importante conjunto patrimonial de importância nacional.-
dc.description.abstract[eng] The present work aims to elaborate a study about the cultural heritage and tourism of the city of Pelotas, in the south of Brazil with a focus on the importance of this heritage in order to boost cultural tourism. Pelotas city has developed economically with the establishment of “charqueadas” which were basically country houses that produced salted, dried meat through slave labour in the end of the eighteenth century. It lead to an accumulation of wealth in the city, which brought modern and technological development influenced directly by european culture. This development occured mainly during the second half of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries, and made the city stood out in the country as na exemple of modern urbanization. This period consolidated a historical cultural landscape that can be seen in the artistic and architectural ensambles materialized in the city’s beautiful buildings and public spaces. These facts enabled the development o the city’s cultural turism. In a first moment, the present research intends to present a discussion about heritage, tourism and development. After that, it focuses on presentig how the cultural tourism Works in the city, identifying, in a systematic way, the city’s enrolled cultural heritage and its other elements or branches, like artistic and the intangible cultural heritage. This work also presents a contextualization of the city’s industrial, economic and modern apogee and its impacts on peoples’ lifestyle, facts that justify the need for such study. It is possible to see through this research that the city of Pelotas has a very rich cultural heritage which constitutes a set of nacional importance.-
dc.description.abstract[eng] The present work aims to elaborate a study about the cultural heritage and tourism of the city of Pelotas, in the south of Brazil with a focus on the importance of this heritage in order to boost cultural tourism. Pelotas city has developed economically with the establishment of “charqueadas” which were basically country houses that produced salted, dried meat through slave labour in the end of the eighteenth century. It lead to an accumulation of wealth in the city, which brought modern and technological development influenced directly by european culture. This development occured mainly during the second half of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries, and made the city stood out in the country as na exemple of modern urbanization. This period consolidated a historical cultural landscape that can be seen in the artistic and architectural ensambles materialized in the city’s beautiful buildings and public spaces. These facts enabled the development o the city’s cultural turism. In a first moment, the present research intends to present a discussion about heritage, tourism and development. After that, it focuses on presentig how the cultural tourism Works in the city, identifying, in a systematic way, the city’s enrolled cultural heritage and its other elements or branches, like artistic and the intangible cultural heritage. This work also presents a contextualization of the city’s industrial, economic and modern apogee and its impacts on peoples’ lifestyle, facts that justify the need for such study. It is possible to see through this research that the city of Pelotas has a very rich cultural heritage which constitutes a set of nacional importance.-
dc.format.extent299 p.-
dc.publisherUniversitat de Barcelona-
dc.rights(c) Santos,, 2016-
dc.sourceTesis Doctorals - Facultat - Economia i Empresa-
dc.subject.classificationPatrimoni cultural-
dc.subject.classificationEdificis històrics-
dc.subject.classificationTurisme urbà-
dc.subject.classificationDesenvolupament econòmic-
dc.subject.classificationHistòria urbana-
dc.subject.classificationArqueologia industrial-
dc.subject.classificationPelotas (Brasil)-
dc.subject.otherCultural property-
dc.subject.otherHistoric buildings-
dc.subject.otherEconomic development-
dc.subject.otherUrban history-
dc.subject.otherIndustrial archaeology-
dc.subject.otherPelotas (Brasil)-
dc.titleTurismo e patrimônio cultural da cidade de Pelotas-RS-Brasil-
Appears in Collections:Tesis Doctorals - Facultat - Economia i Empresa

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