UB Economics – Working Papers [ERE] Collection home page

"UB Economics - Working Papers" dóna continuitat des de finals del 2013, als "Documents de Treball de l’Espai de Recerca en Economia (ERE)" de la Facultat d’Economia i Empresa de la Universitat de Barcelona, col·lecció que va néixer l’any 2001.
En aquesta col·lecció, trobareu tots els "Documents de Treball de l’ERE" fins el número 300 que apareixen sota el format "Col.lecció d’Economia", una numeració que tindrà continuitat a partir del número 301 sota el títol d’"UB Economics - Working Papers".

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 437
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024An egalitarian approach for the adjudication of conflicting claimsIzquierdo Aznar, Josep Maria; Rafels, Carles
2024Optimal Disclosure Mandate in Supply ChainsWong, Tsz-Ning; Yang, Lily Ling; Zhukov, Andrey
2024Sequential Creation of Surplus and the Shapley ValueÁlvarez-Mozos, Mikel; Macho-Stadler, Inés; Pérez-Castrillo, David
2024The gender gap in paid and unpaid work along the life cycle: The role of household arrangementsAbío, Gemma; Patxot, Concepció; Rentería, Elisenda; Souto Nieves, Guadalupe
2024The Data Economy and Polarization on Social MediaMohan, Goonj
2024Tariffs and industrial location in EcuadorOcampo-Corrales, Diego B.; Ortega, Mayra Janet; Paluzie, Elisenda
2024The Impact of the Genetic Risk for ADHD on Parental BeakdownGaggero, Alessio; Gil, Joan, 1966-; Jiménez Rubio, Dolores
2024Platform Liability with Reputational SanctionsDe Chiara, Alessandro; Ganuza, Juan José; Gómez, Fernando; Manna, Ester; Segura-Moreiras, Adrian
2024The Economic Linkages of Covid-19 Across Sectors and Regions in the UKPérez-Sebastián, Fidel; Serrano Quintero, Rafael
2024War inflation and taxationSabaté Domingo, Oriol; Torregrosa Hetland, Sara
2024A ‘smart buy' for all? Unequal and unintended consequences of a messaging program for child educationAurino, Elisabetta; Wolf, Sharon
2023Political Accountability and MisinformationCamargo, Braz; Karpuska, Laura; Lorecchio, Caio Paes Leme
2023Educational Assortative Mating in the European RegionsPadilla-Galviz, Erick Stivens; Vilalta-Bufí, Montserrat
2023Social Security Reforms, Retirement and Sectoral DecisionsDelalibera, Bruno R.; Ferreira, Pedro; Parente, Rafael
2023Tax Reforms and Network EffectsDelalibera, Bruno R.; Ferreira, Pedro; Gomes, Diego; Soares, Johann
2023The long-term evolution of intergenerational transfers in Spain (1958-2012)Souto Nieves, Guadalupe; Abío, Gemma; Herranz Loncán, Alfonso; Espuelas Barroso, Sergio; Patxot, Concepció
2023Bad NGOs? Competition in the market for donations and workers' misconductBurani, Nadia; Manna, Ester
2023Capital Misallocation and Economic Development in a Dynamic Open EconomyDelalibera, Bruno R.; Pereira, Luciene; Rios, Heron
2023Natural Disasters and Financial Technology AdoptionBarros, Fernando, Jr.; Delalibera, Bruno R.; Valdemar Rodrigues de Pinho, Neto; Rodrigues, Victor
2023The Impact of Compulsory Schooling Expansion on Educational Outcomes: The Case of IndonesiaShidiqi, Khalifany Ash; Choi Mendizábal, Álvaro B. (Álvaro Borja)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 437