Tesis Doctorals - Departament - Bioquímica i Biomedicina Molecular Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 67
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
3-Jun-2024TP53INP2 at the crossroad of transcription, autophagy and liver metabolismSun Wang, Jia Liang
19-Mar-2024Targeting metabolic reprogramming in metastatic colorectal and prostate cancer cells to prevent therapeutic failureHernández Carro, Claudia
6-Feb-2024Analysis of consensus motions in proteins through molecular dynamics simulationsJordà Bordoy, Luis
15-Dec-2023Estudio de la interacción de hCNT3 y QDPR como nexo funcional entre la recuperación de nucleósidos y sus vías biosintéticasPrieto Carruyo, Andrea Valentina
15-Dec-2023Regulatory subunits controlling the Kv1.3 channelosomeCassinelli, Silvia
14-Nov-2023Network-based methods for biological data integration in precision medicineNúñez Carpintero, Iker
17-Nov-2023Expresión y Funcionalidad de Receptores de Cannabinoides y de Adenosina y de sus Heterómeros en modelos de Alzheimer y de Esclerosis MúltiplePérez Olives, Catalina
29-Sep-2023Involvement of Alternative Splicing Regulation in Adipose Tissue Thermogenic InductionCastellá Giner, Moisés
31-Mar-2023Development and application of methodologies and infrastructures for cancer genome analysis within Personalized MedicineRoyo Garrido, Romina
17-Mar-2023Noves evidències de l’efecte neuroprotector del Sistema Cannabinoide a nivell del Sistema Nerviós CentralLillo Jové, Jaume
20-Jan-2023Protein kinase-dependent Kv1.3 biologyEstadella Pérez, Irene
28-Oct-2022Regulation of hepatic metabolism by the autophagic protein TP53INP2Frager, Petra
14-Oct-2022Obesitat severa i ateroesclerosi subclínica: biologia molecular, marcadors i efecte de la cirurgia bariàtricaCarmona Maurici, Júlia
29-Sep-2022Parmbsc2: Development of an accurate force field for nucleic acids simulationsGallego Pérez, Diego
4-Jul-2022Obtención de aptámeros específicos para enzimas de la vía del metileritritol fosfato de microorganismosRoca Martínez, Carlota
7-Apr-2022Characterization of the role of TKTL1 in Acute Monocytic LeukaemiaBaptista, Inês do Carmo Viegas
8-Apr-2022Molecular determinants of the Kv1.3/KCNE4 interactionSastre Martinez, Daniel
3-Dec-2021Mitochondrial dynamics as a hub in the control of muscle inflammationIrazoqui Guimon, Andrea
26-Feb-2021Paper dels factors neuronals SEMA3F i NTN1 en la transició de càncer de mama in situ a invasiuMoragas Garcia, Núria
10-Sep-2020Papel de las cardiocinas FGF21 y Metrnl en la hipertrofia cardíacaRupérez Gonzalo, Celia
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 67