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Title: Vacancy-assisted domain-growth in asymmetric binary alloys: A Monte Carlo Study
Author: Porta Tena, Marcel
Vives i Santa-Eulàlia, Eduard
Castán i Vidal, Maria Teresa
Keywords: Aliatges binaris
Termodinàmica estadística
Mètode de Montecarlo
Transformacions de fase (Física estadística)
Binary systems (Metallurgy)
Statistical thermodynamics
Monte Carlo method
Phase transformations (Statistical physics)
Issue Date: 1999
Publisher: The American Physical Society
Abstract: A Monte Carlo simulation study of the vacancy-assisted domain growth in asymmetric binary alloys is presented. The system is modeled using a three-state ABV Hamiltonian which includes an asymmetry term. Our simulated system is a stoichiometric two-dimensional binary alloy with a single vacancy which evolves according to the vacancy-atom exchange mechanism. We obtain that, compared to the symmetric case, the ordering process slows down dramatically. Concerning the asymptotic behavior it is algebraic and characterized by the Allen-Cahn growth exponent x51/2. The late stages of the evolution are preceded by a transient regime strongly affected by both the temperature and the degree of asymmetry of the alloy. The results are discussed and compared to those obtained for the symmetric case.
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It is part of: Physical Review B, 1999, vol. 60, núm. 6, p. 3920-3927
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ISSN: 0163-1829
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Física Quàntica i Astrofísica)

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