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Title: Magnetic superelasticity and inverse magnetocaloric effect in Ni-Mn-In
Author: Krenke, Thorsten
Duman, Eyüp
Acet, Mehmet
Wassermann, Eberhard F.
Moya Raposo, Xavier
Mañosa, Lluís
Planes Vila, Antoni
Suard, Emmanuelle
Ouladdiaf, Bachir
Keywords: Magnetostricció
Difracció de neutrons
Neutron diffraction
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: The American Physical Society
Abstract: Applying a magnetic field to a ferromagnetic Ni50Mn34In16 alloy in the martensitic state induces a structural phase transition to the austenitic state. This is accompanied by a strain which recovers on removing the magnetic field, giving the system a magnetically superelastic character. A further property of this alloy is that it also shows the inverse magnetocaloric effect. The magnetic superelasticity and the inverse magnetocaloric effect in Ni-Mn-In and their association with the first-order structural transition are studied by magnetization, strain, and neutron-diffraction studies under magnetic field.
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It is part of: Physical Review B, 2007, vol. 75, núm. 10, p. 104414-1-104414-6
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ISSN: 0163-1829
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Física Quàntica i Astrofísica)

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