Tesis Doctorals - Departament - Mineralogia, Petrologia i Geologia Aplicada Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 27
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
28-Jun-2024Mecanismos de concentración de elementos críticos en la Carbonatita de Bailundo (Angola)Castellano Calvo, Amaia
10-May-2024Optimization of induced denitrification strategies in water resources contaminated by agricultural and urban sourcesAlex Tiewin, Abu
5-Apr-2024Post-caldera volcanism of Deception Island (Antarctica): new insights from Tephra studies and Port Foster Bay volcanic depositsHopfenblatt, Joaquín
28-Nov-2022Caracterización de las mineralizaciones de Gavà: implicaciones geoarqueológicasDíaz Acha, Yael
19-Jul-2022Isotopic characterization of precipitation and its relationship with groundwater in the Central AndesValdivielso Mijangos, Sonia
15-Jul-2022Polymorphism and crystallization behaviour of triacylglycerols. From pure components to mixtures rich in oleic acidMacridachis González, Jorge
8-Oct-2021Genesis and evolution of chromitites in ophiolite complexes from a mineralogical perspectiveFarré de Pablo, Júlia
15-Oct-2021Carbon capture and storage in compressional basins: global to reservoir-scale assessments and integrated case study of the Puig-reig anticline (SE Pyrenees)Sun, Xiaolong
23-Sep-2021Fluid flow evolution in the Alpine-related basement and sedimentary cover structures in the Southern Pyrenees: an integrated structural, petrographic and geochemical approachMuñoz López, José Daniel
30-Jun-2021Diverse origin and processes in the formation of diamond and other exotic minerals in ophiolitic chromititesPujol Solà, Núria
28-Feb-2020Optimization of induced denitrification strategies in polluted water bodies from agricultural sourcesMargalef Marti, Rosanna
18-Mar-2021Estudi petrogenètic del complex intermedi-màfic-ultramàfic de Susqueda (Serralada Prelitoral Catalana). Implicacions en la gènesi i evolució del plutonisme hercinià del NE de la Península Ibèrica.Esteve i Girbés, Sergi
19-Nov-2020El volcanismo calcoalcalino y peralcalino del suroeste de Cerdeña (Italia) y mineralizaciones asociadasCarrazana Di Lucia, Ariana
26-Apr-2019Optimization of the use of diamond indicator minerals in diamond exploration in kimberlitesXu, Jingyao
29-Jun-2018Modelization of the vitrification of sewage sludge using a basaltic matrixTarragó Aymerich, Mariona
20-Jul-2018Stable isotopes analysis to assess abiotic and biotic remediation of groundwater polluted by chlorinated methanesRodríguez Fernández, Diana
26-Nov-2019Geochemistry of rare earth elements in acid mine drainage precipitatesLozano Letellier, Alba
12-Jul-2019Sequential fluid migration along a fold and thrust belt: SE Pyrenees from Late Cretaceous to OligoceneCruset Segura, David
15-Dec-2017Evolución metalogenética de complejos carbonatíticos en contexto hipoabisal y plutónico: Bonga y Monte Verde (Angola)Amores Casals, Sandra
12-Jan-2018The Petrogenesis of the ophiolitic mélange of Central Cuba: origin and evolution of oceanic litosphere from abyssal to subduction and suprasubduction zone settingsButjosa Molines, Lidia
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 27