Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 47
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
22-Mar-2024 | Monitoring floating microplastics in coastal wasters of the Western Mediterranean Sea | De Haan, William P. |
26-Jan-2024 | Fluxos de partícules i metalls als marges continentals del sud-est de la península Ibèrica | Tarrés Mercader, Marta |
25-Oct-2023 | Multi-hazard assessment and risk management in volcanic islands | López Saavedra, Marta |
19-May-2023 | Aplicación de tecnologías avanzadas para la caracterización del depósito de vertidos mineros de la bahía de Portmán, Murcia (España) | Baza Varas, Andrea |
23-Feb-2023 | Afloraments fracturats digitalitzats. Avaluació de tècniques remotes en models DFN i aplicació de Machine Learning | Blanco Núñez, Laura |
17-Feb-2022 | Holocene Climate variability in the Western Mediterranean Sea: an integrated oceanic and atmospheric perspective | Català i Caparrós, Albert |
1-Feb-2023 | Yacimientos de ámbar del Cretácico de la Cuenca del Maestrazgo: tafonomía, bioinclusiones y paleoecología | Álvarez Parra, Sergio |
20-Jan-2023 | Geophysical and geological characterization of fault-controlled geothermal systems: The Vallès Basin case of study | Mitjanas Colls, Gemma |
1-Dec-2022 | Salt Tectonics of the Offshore Tarfaya Basin (NW Africa): A Regional to Local Approach | Uranga Moran, Rodolfo Martín |
14-Oct-2022 | Sedimentology and sedimentary architecture of the Middle Ordovician Hawaz Formation in the subsurface of the Murzuq Basin (Libya) | Gil-Ortiz, Marc |
24-Oct-2022 | La Formación Caspe: análisis sedimentológico y estratigráfico de los depósitos fluviales del Oligoceno – Mioceno inferior del SE de la Cuenca del Ebro | Cuevas Martínez, José Luis |
17-Feb-2022 | Temporal Variability of Nepheloid Layer Structures on Continental Slope Environments: Natural and Anthropogenic Processes | Arjona Camas, Marta |
17-Mar-2022 | Developing Advanced Photogrammetric Methods for Automated Rockfall Monitoring | Blanch Gorriz, Xabier |
10-Dec-2021 | Caracterització espaciotemporal de la dinàmica d’allaus de neu majors al Pirineu català | Oller Figueras, Pere |
25-Nov-2021 | Barremian charophytes from the Maestrat Basin: taxonomy, palaeoecology, palaeobiogeography and biostratigraphy | Pérez Cano, Jordi |
25-Oct-2021 | Paleoseismic transect across the Alhama de Murcia Fault and implications of a fault-based seismic hazard assessment for the Eastern Betics | Gómez Novell, Octavi |
12-Feb-2021 | Sediment routing systems of the Eocene Tremp-Jaca basin: Stratigraphic analysis and numerical models | Vinyoles i Busquets, Andreu |
27-Jan-2021 | Numerical modeling of continental collision and intraplate deformation. Application to the Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of North Iberia | Valverde Pérez, Àngel |
2-Mar-2021 | Vertebrats post-messinians de Mallorca i Eivissa (Illes Balears, Mediterrània occidental): descripció, origen i extinció d’espècies | Torres Roig, Enrique |
24-Jul-2020 | Paleoclimatic reconstruction of past interglacial periods and their transitions in the Iberian Peninsula and its surrounding seas | Torner Perez, Judit |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 47