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Title: Pairing matrix elements and pairing gaps with bare, effective and induced interactions
Author: Barranco, F.
Bortignon, P. F.
Broglia, R. A., 1939-
Colò, G.
Schuck, Peter
Vigezzi, E.
Viñas Gausí, Xavier
Keywords: Estructura nuclear
Física nuclear
Nuclear structure
Nuclear physics
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: The American Physical Society
Abstract: The dependence on the single-particle states of the pairing matrix elements of the Gogny force and of the bare low-momentum nucleon-nucleon potential v{sub low-k}--designed so as to reproduce the low-energy observables avoiding the use of a repulsive core--is studied for a typical finite, superfluid nucleus ({sup 120}Sn). It is found that the matrix elements of v{sub low-k} follow closely those of v{sub Gogny} on a wide range of energy values around the Fermi energy e{sub F}, those associated with v{sub low-k} being less attractive. This result explains the fact that around e{sub F} the pairing gap {delta}{sub Gogny} associated with the Gogny interaction (and with a density of single-particle levels corresponding to an effective k mass m{sub k}{approx_equal}0.7 m) is a factor of about 2 larger than {delta}{sub low-k}, being in agreement with {delta}{sub exp}=1.4 MeV. The exchange of low-lying collective surface vibrations among pairs of nucleons moving in time-reversal states gives rise to an induced pairing interaction v{sub ind} peaked at e{sub F}. The interaction (v{sub low-k}+v{sub ind}) Z{sub {omega}} arising from the renormalization of the bare nucleon-nucleon potential and of the single-particle motion ({omega}-mass and quasiparticle strength Z{sub {omega}}) associated with the particle-vibration coupling mechanism, leads to amore » value of the pairing gap at the Fermi energy {delta}{sub ren} that accounts for the experimental value. An important question that remains to be studied quantitatively is to what extent {delta}{sub Gogny}, which depends on average parameters, and {delta}{sub ren}, which explicitly depends on the parameters describing the (low-energy) nuclear structure, display or not a similar isotopic dependence and whether this dependence is borne out by the data.
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It is part of: Physical Review C, 2005, vol. 72, núm. 5, p. 054314-1-054314-11
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ISSN: 0556-2813
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Física Quàntica i Astrofísica)

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