Tesis Doctorals - Departament - Genètica, Microbiologia i Estadística Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 117
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
19-Apr-2024CERKL as a modulator gene of mitochondrial dynamics and stress response in the retinaGarcía Arroyo, Rocío
19-Oct-2023Modificación enzimática de la celulosa para la producción de biomaterialesCabañas Romero, Lourdes Verónica
24-Jan-2024Estudi de l’efecte dels canvis socials sobre la conducta de tres grups familiars de goril·les de plana occidental (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) captius. A la recerca d’indicadors conductuals de benestarMartínez Gutiérrez, Raquel
22-Jan-2024An Omics World: Colonization and Adaptive Processes of Styela plicataGalià Camps, Carles
26-Jan-2024Role Of The Innate Immunity In The Etiopathogenesis of Primary Sjögren Syndrome: Influence Of Viral And Immunogenetic Factors Related To Cell Adhesion Molecules In Systemic Disease And Autoantibody ProfileGheitasi, Hoda
15-Dec-2023Relevant deubiquitinating enzymes in cilium formation and function in the retina: USP48Sánchez Bellver, Laura
18-Dec-2023Dimensionality reduction in multigroup data: applications in integrative omicsMillapán Toledo, Carolina Andrea
30-Oct-2023Del cicle biològic a noves estratègies vacunals pel virus de l’hepatitis AChavarria Miró, Gemma
14-Jul-2023Study of expression levels in MECP2 related disorders using transcriptomics and proteomics: characterizing Rett syndrome and MECP2 duplication syndromePascual Alonso, Ainhoa
19-May-2023Global evaluation of the fitness and virulence determinants in the phytopathogen Ralstonia solanacearumPedro Jové, Roger de
1-Mar-2023Determining the Three-dimensional Structure of Genomes and Genomic Domains Integrating Chromosome Conformation Capture Data and Microscopy ImagesCastillo Andreo, David
20-Jan-2023Noves tècniques per al control i desinfecció de virus contaminants d’aiguaForés Gil, Eva
16-Dec-2022Bacteriófagos y movilización de genes de resistencia a antibióticos desde una perspectiva One-HealthBlanco Picazo, Pedro
21-Dec-2022Evolutionary Genomics of Panarthropoda: Study of the chemosensory gene families across phyla and the radiation of the spider genus Dysdera (Araneae, Dysderidae) in the Canary IslandsEscuer Pifarré, Paula
20-Oct-2022Rol de la microbiota en pacientes con bronquiectasias no asociadas a la fibrosis quísticaLópez Aladid, Rubén
6-May-2022Aplicación de técnicas moleculares y químicas al estudio de la dieta, migración y estructura poblacional del rorcual común de IslandiaGarcía Vernet, Raquel
15-Jul-2022Análisis de las diferencias entre células progenitoras y no progenitoras en el sistema traqueal de Drosophila melanogasterPino, V. Beatriz
30-Sep-2022Diversitat bacteriana a les etapes de potabilització de les aigües de consumPinar Méndez, Anna
22-Jul-2022Development and regeneration of Drosophila wing imaginal discs: the role of IncRNAs and the stress sensor D-GADD45Camilleri Robles, Carlos
16-Jun-2022Understanding diversification and dispersion patterns in planarians (Tricladida, Platyhelminthes): form one to hundreds of genesBenítez Álvarez, Lisandra
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 117