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Title: Are the BRIC countries overtaking intermediate countries in the race for international R&D? The case of Spain
Author: Miravitlles Matamoros, Paloma
Achcaoucaou Iallouchen, Fariza
Núñez Carballosa, Ana
Guitart Tarrés, Laura
Cruz Cázares, Claudio
Keywords: Recerca industrial
Empreses multinacionals
Economia internacional
Gestió de la innovació
Industrial research
International business enterprises
International economic relations
Innovation management
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Taylor and Francis
Abstract: The emergence of Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC) as international locations for foreign direct investment in R&D is a sign that multinationals are relocating their technological activities to new territories. This trend may weaken the supremacy of the developed countries until now considered leaders in innovation, and may mean the loss of the competitive advantages enjoyed by the countries considered intermediate innovators. This paper examines the situation of Spain as a typical intermediate economy and compares it to its main competitors among the BRICs. Based on eight case studies of subsidiaries with R&D centres in Spain, we conclude that the policies adopted by certain emerging economies to develop their national innovation systems are proving effective and that these countries now pose a threat to intermediate economies. However, the BRICs still lag behind in terms of the security of their institutional framework; this situation leaves intermediate countries in an advantageous position
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It is part of: Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 2017
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ISSN: 0953-7325
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Empresa)

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