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Title: Fiber deployment in Spain [WP]
Author: Calzada, Joan
García Mariñoso, Begoña
Ribé, Jordi
Rubio Campillo, Rafael
Suárez, David
Keywords: Xarxes de comunicacions
Fibres òptiques
Política de la telecomunicació
Communication networks
Optical fibers
Optical communications
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat d'Economia i Empresa
Series/Report no: [WP E-Eco17/364]
Abstract: Next generation access networks will be critical for future economic growth and access to these infrastructures will have major consequences for territorial and social cohesion. This paper examines the economic and regulatory determinants that serve as incentives for operators to invest in fiber-to-the-home technology. We draw on a dataset comprising 6,063 Spanish municipalities with access to broadband services to examine the incumbents’ (Telefónica) deployment of fiber in the period 2010-13. We show that local loop unbundling competition had a strong positive impact on Telefónica’s fiber deployment, while bitstream competition had a negative effect.Moreover, the incumbent was more likely to invest in municipalities with a large presence of cable operators. We also consider how the municipalities’ sociodemographic characteristics affected the operator’s deployment decision. While market size and population density had a positive effect on investment, the level of unemployment and the percentage of elderly population had a negative impact.
Note: Reproducció del document publicat a:
It is part of: Documents de treball (Facultat d'Economia i Empresa. Espai de Recerca en Economia), 2017, E17/364
Appears in Collections:UB Economics – Working Papers [ERE]
Documents de treball / Informes (Economia)

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