Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 17 of 17
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
11-Nov-2022 | Desenvolupament industrial i clusterització. La indústria càrnia porcina a Catalunya, segles XIX i XX | Castell Castells, Pere |
20-Dec-2021 | Chester A. Phillips and the forgotten history of bank credit | Black, Jes |
28-Feb-2022 | The South East Asia Capital Markets: 1995-2015 | Alfonso Pérez, Gerardo |
26-Nov-2021 | Nutritional Status in China during the Maoist Period (1949-76) | Alvarez-Klee, Roser |
13-Dec-2021 | La industria textil fabril en la zona centro de México, 1830-1910. Estudio por regiones. | Beato King, Raquel |
26-Oct-2021 | Economía política de la tributación en Colombia, 1821-2015 | Hernández Rodríguez, Isidro |
19-Oct-2021 | The Social Metabolism of Tropical Agriculture: Agrarian Extractivism in Colombia (1916–2016) | Urrego Mesa, John Alexander |
22-Dec-2020 | Agrarian transformations, climate change and energy. A study of the impact of 17th and 18th century climate change on the Agricultural Revolution and the onset of economic growth in England | Martínez González, José Luis |
29-Jan-2021 | Three essays in human capital formation. From colonial institutions in the Americas to early Catalan industrialization | Gómez-i-Aznar, Èric |
25-Jan-2021 | The rise of mass education in Colombia in the first half of the twentieth century | Fuentes Vásquez, María José |
21-Dec-2020 | The Strength of the Deed: Notarial Credit Markets and Contract Enforcement Institutions in Early Modern Spain | Peña-Mir, José Luis |
16-Oct-2019 | The classical gold standard and the Mediterranean periphery: the Spanish case (1870-1913) | Roldán Marín, Alba |
23-Nov-2018 | The Impossible Trinity and Financial Stability. The Incidence of Trilemma Regimes on the (In)stability of Stock Markets and Credit Aggregates (1922-2013) | Forero-Laverde, Germán |
12-Jun-2018 | Las elites económicas barcelonesas. 1714-1919 | Sanjuan Marroquín, José Miguel |
29-Nov-2017 | La inserción de economías regionales periféricas al mercado mundial: el caso del tabaco en el Caribe colombiano, 1850-1914 | Colmenares Guerra, Santiago |
12-Jul-2017 | Los grupos económicos chilenos en perspectiva histórica: entre la industrialización sustitutiva de importaciones y el neoliberalismo 1938–1988 | Aguirre Briones, Andrés |
11-Jul-2017 | Essays on the world wheat economy (1939-2010) | González Esteban, Ángel Luis |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 17 of 17