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Title: Albert Lewin. Pandora and the Flying Dutchman: the Semiologic Potential of a Greek Myth
Author: Gilabert Barberà, Pau
Keywords: Surrealisme (Cinema)
Literatura grega
Mitologia grega
Tradició clàssica
Surrealism in motion pictures
Lewin, Albert
Greek literature
Pandora and the flying Dutchman (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica)
Greek mythology
Classical tradition
Lewin, Albert
Pandora and the flying Dutchman (Motion picture)
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: Albert Lewin, a well-known Hollywood cinema director who is significantly influenced by the surrealistic movement, brings together the myth f Pandora and the legend of the flying Dutchman in order to create an exemplary love story, a crazy love story which goes beyond the limits of human reason. Bearing in mind, then, that if one wants to believe in this sort of love story must not be guided by human reason stricto sensu, he builds a world of signs, a semiologic world which this article aims at helping to interpret.
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