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Title: Classical parameters of Shadowlands by Richard Attenborough (On C. S. Lewis's Life and Work)
Author: Gilabert Barberà, Pau
Keywords: Tradició clàssica
Filosofia grega
Adaptacions cinematogràfiques
Attenborough, Richard, 1926-. Shadowlands
Classical tradition
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963
Greek philosophy
Nicholson, William, 1948-
Davidman, Joy
Film adaptations
Attenborough, Richard, 1926-. Shadowlands
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963
Nicholson, William, 1948-
Davidman, Joy
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: The aim of this article is to show the classical parameters of Shadowlands by R. Attenborough, with a screenplay by W. Nicholson, on C. S. Lewis's life and work. Based upon an accurate reading of Lewis's works, the author of this article proposes to interpret the opposition Lewis / Gresham as the translation into the real life of the opposition between the Platonic or idealistic and the Aristotelian or materialistic temperaments which was already maintained by Coleridge. In any case, there are many classical references which must be taken into account in order to understand to what extent C. S. Lewis's Christianity is also a classic Christianity, that is, a Greek and Latin one.
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Appears in Collections:Comunicacions a congressos (Filologia Clàssica, Romànica i Semítica)

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