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Title: Nonmesonic weak decay of the hypertriton
Author: Bennhold, Cornelius
Ramos Gómez, Àngels
Aruliah, D. A.
Oelfke, U.
Keywords: Estructura nuclear
Desintegració radioactiva
Mesons (Física nuclear)
Interaccions febles (Física nuclear)
Nuclear structure
Radioactive decay
Weak interactions (Nuclear physics)
Issue Date: 1992
Publisher: The American Physical Society
Abstract: The nonmesonic decay of the hypertriton is calculated based on a hypertriton wave function and 3N scattering states, which are rigorous solutions of three-body Faddeev equations using realistic NN and hyperon-nucleon interactions. The pion exchange together with heavier meson exchanges for the {Lambda}N{r_arrow}NN transition is considered. The total nonmesonic decay rate is found to be 0.5{percent} of the free {Lambda} decay rate. Integrated as well as differential decay rates are given. The p- and n-induced decays are discussed thoroughly and it is shown that the corresponding total rates cannot be measured individually.
The nonmesonic weak decay of 3 Λ H is evaluated microscopically in the pion exchange model. The correlated three-body wave function of the hypertriton is approximated by a bound Λ-deuteron system obtained by averaging the YN interaction over the deuteron wave function. The relevant matrix elements are calculated in momentum space. The resulting decay rate is 4.9% of the free Λ decay rate.
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It is part of: Physical Review C, 1992, vol. 45, núm. 3, p. 947-951
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ISSN: 0556-2813
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Física Quàntica i Astrofísica)

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