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Title: The Printers’ Devices database of the University of Barcelona. A resource for the study of printers' devices
Author: Verger, Neus, 1964-
Keywords: Marques tipogràfiques
Llibres antics
Printers' marks
Early printed books
Universitat de Barcelona. CRAI Biblioteca de Reserva
Universitat de Barcelona. CRAI Biblioteca de Fons Antic
Issue Date: May-2018
Abstract: The paper is divided into four main parts. The first one explains the context of the Printers’ Devices database, that is the Rare Book and Manuscripts CRAI Library of the University of Barcelona. The second part has an explanation of the database, its structure and its main drawback. The third section shows some results of the use of printers’ devices in books from the 16th to the 18th centuries obtained from the catalogue of the University of Barcelona. The study covers the main European and Spanish cities and their evolution throughout these centuries. The last section lists different potential studies regarding printers’ devices.
It is part of: Comunicació a: Typography, illustration and ornamentation in the Early Modern Iberian Book World, 1450-1800. 24th to the 25th May 2018, Marsh’s library, Dublin.
Appears in Collections:Comunicacions a congressos / Jornades / Presentacions (CRAI-UB)

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