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Title: Synthesis of imine cyclopalladated compounds
Other Titles: Síntesi de compostos ciclopal·ladats d’imines
Author: Rios Mendoza, Alexis
Director/Tutor: Albert Mach, Joan
Keywords: Imines
Pal·ladi (Element químic)
Síntesi orgànica
Treballs de fi de grau
Organic synthesis
Bachelor's theses
Issue Date: Jun-2018
Abstract: Since the clinical discovery in the mid-60s of cis-platin, as one of the most powerful antitumor agents, the existence of a cyclometallated compound that could have similar or better properties has been investigated. 1 The results found up to now show that the cis-platinum has not no competition. However, in previous studies, by means of “in vitro” and others “in vivo” tests 2, 3, it has been found that, there are cyclopalladated compounds with anticancer activity and these produce fewer side effects than cis-platinum. 4 For this reason, the Research Group on Synthesis and Applications of Cyclometallated Compounds of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry from the University of Barcelona, continues to study new cyclometallated compounds. Thus, in this project, the synthesis of new cyclopalladated compounds, from imines, are proposed. As part of this project, the synthesis of these compounds, and subsequent characterization by IR, 1H NMR, will be performed. A 31P-{1H} NMR will be done too for those compounds that contain phosphorus atoms. More techniques, such as Elemental Analysis and X-ray diffraction, will be used for the characterization. The scheme below summarizes the synthetic route performed.For each R the same series of reactions will be carried out. Therefore, there will be two series of reactions, where the formation of five-membered rings (orthopalladation) is studied with acetato as a bridge ligand, the reaction of metathesis with chlorido ligand, and the formation of mononuclear compounds with triphenylphosphane
Note: Treballs Finals de Grau de Química, Facultat de Química, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2018, Tutor: Joan Albert Mach
Appears in Collections:Treballs Finals de Grau (TFG) - Química

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