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Title: Premartensitic transition driven by magnetoelastic interaction in bcc ferromagnetic Ni2MnGa
Author: Planes Vila, Antoni
Obradó Llauradó, Eduard
Gonzàlez Comas, Alfons
Mañosa, Lluís
Keywords: Equacions d'estat
Ciència dels materials
Regla de les fases i equilibri
Equations of state
Materials science
Phase rule and equilibrium
Issue Date: 1997
Publisher: American Physical Society
Abstract: We show that the magnetoelastic coupling between the magnetization and the amplitude of a short wavelength phonon enables the existence of a first order premartensitic transition from a bcc to a micromodulated phase in Ni2MnGa. Such a magnetoelastic coupling has been experimentally evidenced by ac susceptibility and ultrasonic measurements under an applied magnetic field. A latent heat around 9 J/mol has been measured using a highly sensitive calorimeter. This value is in very good agreement with the value predicted by a proposed model.
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It is part of: Physical Review Letters, 1997, vol. 79, núm. 20, p. 3926-3929
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ISSN: 0031-9007
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Física Quàntica i Astrofísica)

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