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Title: The Spin-glass nature of tweed precursors in martensitic transformations
Author: Kartha, Sivan
Castán i Vidal, Maria Teresa
Krumhansl, James A.
Sethna, James P.
Keywords: Física de l'estat sòlid
Propietats magnètiques
Solid state physics
Magnetic properties and materials
Issue Date: 1991
Publisher: American Physical Society
Abstract: Many displacive solid-solid transformations, despite being first order, show pronounced precursor effects, such as the mesoscopic, micron-scale, ‘‘tweed’’ pattern seen in shape-memory alloys. We model this tweed theoretically using a nonlinear, nonlocal elastic free energy, and argue that quenched concentration inhomogeneities drive the local tweed modulations. We report (1) the construction of a model for {11}/〈11¯〉 shear transformations in square systems, (2) a simulation including concentration inhomogeneities, and (3) a mapping of the disordered 2D martensite onto an infinite-range spin model, identifying tweed with the spin-glass phase.
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It is part of: Physical Review Letters, 1991, vol. 67, núm. 25, p. 3630-3632
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ISSN: 0031-9007
Appears in Collections:Articles publicats en revistes (Física Quàntica i Astrofísica)

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