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Title: Structures without soul and immediate struggles: rethinking militant particularism in contemporary Spain
Author: Narotzky, Susana, 1958-
Keywords: Antropologia empresarial
Business anthropology
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: New York: Berghahn Books
Abstract: The focus of the article is the connection between the production in the present of particular memories of the past and the ability to frame present-day conflicts in terms of particular or universal claims and transformation projects. Through referring to past struggles and their outcomes, the process of framing will clarify what renders certain possibilities legitimate while excluding others. This connection between past and present realities, memories and struggles will appear in the reading of past struggles in terms of heroism or defeat, and in the way of incorporating those memories into present-day struggles in positive or negative terms. These different and interrelated processes express interlinked and diverse forms of dispossession that are simultaneously shaped by and contribute to shape the possible spaces and scales in which struggle can be meaningfully waged...
Note: Versió postprint del document original.
It is part of: Capítol del llibre: Kasmir, S. & Carbonella, G. (Eds) Blood and Fire: Toward a New Anthropology of Labour. New York: Berghahn Books, [ISBN: 978-1-78238-363-5]. pp. 167-202
Appears in Collections:Llibres / Capítols de llibre (Antropologia Social)
Publicacions de projectes de recerca finançats per la UE

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